"Your not fat your carrying a miracle "

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Regina and Emma decided having another baby would be a good idea , Regina agreed to carry this baby but now at just nine months regrets that decision.


Regina was trying to tie her shoelace but couldn't and let out a load frustrated groan " UGHHHH How the hell and I'm supposed to go out of I can't even tie my shoelace !" She shouted to herself flopping back on the sofa .She heard Emma enter laughing " it's not funny Emma !" Regina fought " I know but your just so cute when your frustrated , come here I'll tie it for you " Emma sat down on the coffee table and took Reginas foot to her knee so she could Tie the shoelace " remind me again why I agreed to to carry this one ?" Regina asked " because Momma carried me ..its only fair mom " a twelve year old Henry said coming into the room " ah of course " Regina said sarcastically " hey ! Henry gave me hell ..i had morning sickness all the way through until the week before he was born " Emma said swatting Reginas leg " oh I'm sorry ..it must have been so hard for you " Regina shot back , Both Henry and Emma laughed . They stood up and went to walk out , Emma was just out the door when she heard Regina clear her throat " what ?" Emma said looking back into the sitting room " I can't get up .." Regina said embarrassed, Emma chuckled and walked over to her wife . She held out her hands and lifted Regina off the couch , Emma kissed Reginas forehead " I love you " Regina scoffed " I don't know how ! I'm so fat " Emma hugged her wife then put her hand on Reginas pregnant belly " your not fat ! Your carrying a little miracle in there Gina...our baby girl or boy is in there" Emma looked at Regina who was now crying " are you crying ?" Emma asked wiping away a tear " it's the hormones ! ..now let's go I'm hungry " Regina said walking away " okay bossy boots " Emma laughed and helped her wife into the car .

The trio were in Grannys in their usual booth when Ruby came over to take their orders "what can I get ya" she said " I'll have a burger and fries ..oh and a vanilla milkshake " Henry said " I'll have a grilled cheese , a sprite and a strawberry milkshake please " Emma said " Regina?" Ruby asked " just a ceaser salad please " Emma stood up from the table and walked to the counter to ruby " can I get an order of onion rings too please for on the way out " Ruby nodded and took the order .Emma sat back down at the booth"so what's on the agenda for today ?" Regina asked " I'm going to the park with Roland and violet " Henry said " be careful would you and don't be late home please " Regina begged " it's okay mom I'm staying at Rolands tonight " Henry added " okay but call me to say goodnight " Regina asked "mmhmm" Henry hummed " so that leaves us , what do you want to do Gina?" Emma asked "go for a walk along the docks ? " Regina asked
" sure ..we can get ice cream then come back and watch a movie " Regina nodded .

Their food came to the table and Henry dug in straight away , Emma took Reginas salad over to her side and slid Regina the grilled cheese and put the milkshake in front of her and dug into the salad without another word , Regina shook her head and laughed to herself before taki g a bite out of the grilled cheese . When they were done Emma paid while Regina and Henry waited outside " okay bye mom's " Henry said and ran off to the park .

Regina and Emma were walking along the docks , they sat on the bench and looked onto the water " I could really go for some -" Regina started but Emma was cut off " onion rings ?" Regina nodded and Emma pulled the greasy Grannys bag out of her pocket " here " she said and handed Regina the bag , Regian squealed excitedly and kissed Emma "I love you " she said " I love you too" Emma said back to her .

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