Lost But Not Forgotten

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Emma was sittinf in the social workers office rubbing her hands anxiously up and down her jeans , she cleared her throat as the older woman went through all of the paperwork , the older woman finally looked up at Emma and smiled lightly .

" everything seems in order Ms. Swan , would you like to meet him now ?" The older woman asked standing and walking to the door "yes please if it's possible " Emma replied in a shaky voice . The woman nodded and opened the door for Emma to follow her to another room where there was kids playing , the woman nodded to a younger girl holding a toddler to come over to her " Emma this is Ms.French , and this is Harley "

Belle handed the little boy over to Emma who was trying to not let her tears fall held the baby " hello Harley , I'm Emma " she cooed hugging the little boy who wrapped his little arms around her neck " he hasn't spoken yet so don't be alarmed if he dosent communicate " Belle mentioned smiling, Emma nodded and smiled " it's okay , you take your time kid " Emma said causing the little boy to smile " you can take him home now " the older woman laughed " oh right , shall we go home little one " she asked the baby who just held onto her .

Emma put Harley in the car seat in the back of the car while she climbed in the front and took her phone out of her bag , she dialled a number and waited for the person to pick up .

" mom ?" Emma said down the phone "Emma , hi hon how did it go today ?" Her mother asked excitedly "I got him mom , I'm bringing him home " Emma smiled down the phone finally letting the tears fall " oh Emma , that's amazing , I can't wait to meet him " Mary Margret cooed " okay mom I better go and get him settled " Emma said before saying goodbye to her mother and hanging up the phone .

Emma drove to a restaurant close to her apartment and sat at a table with Harley " hello what can I get you guys" a small blonde woman asked "hey Tink, can I get a grilled cheese and a side of fries and a hot chocolate with cinnomen " Emma asked smiling , Tink nodded and walked away to place the order , she came back with a colouring sheet and colours for Harley " oh look , will we colour ?" Emma asked earning a nod from the little boy .

They had nearly finished the colouring sheet when Tink brought the food over " here we go , a grilled cheeses , hot cocoa and a side of fries" she placed everything down very gently and walked away to let them eat . Emma put a napkin on Harleys lap so he wouldn't spill and put half of the hot cocoa in a silly cup she had in her bag . She put sauce beside the fries and put them in front of Harley .

Emma was eating half of her grilled cheese when Harley tugged on her jumper " what's up kid " Emma asked , Harley just looked at Emma's grilled cheese , she laughed and ruffled his hair , she took the other half and handed it to him " dig in " she said and he did just that .

When they were finished their food Emma drove them home . They got in the door and she just let Harley roam around the apartment to get familiar with it .Emma started a bath for him and pulled out one of the many pairs of pjamas she bought him " ready for a bath kid ?" She asked before picking him up and carrying him into the bathroom , she put the bubbles in and undressed the little boy before trying to lift him into the bath but he riggled away and ran to the corner " hey what's wrong " she asked but the little boy just shook his head , Emma nodded and walked into her bedroom before grabbing a swim suit and changing , she jumped into the bath and just waited for Harley to approach her , he finally did after ten minutes and put his hand into the bubbles , Emma blew some from her hand and Harley giggled making Emma laugh , he put his arms out for Emma to lift him into the water .he splashed around while Emma washed his hair and body , she dried him off and put a pull up and pjamas onto him before tucking him into his little bed in the room beside hers.

"goodnight kid " Emma cooed and kissed the little boys forehead , he cuddled into his rabbit teddy and falling asleep . Emma walked into her room and fell onto the bed , she went through her messages and emails for her work , she's a baker . She replied to most of them before brushing her teeth and climbing into bed .

She was just about to fall asleep when she heard her door creak open and a little shadow standing in her doorway , she turned on her lamp and put her glasses on because she took her contacts out " hey what's wrong?" She asked but Harley didn't move he just gripped the rabbit teddy " come here kid " Emma said pulling the covers down her bed , Harley tofdled over and climbed onto the kingsized bed.

" we're you scared ?" She asked , Harley nodded and shrunk down " it's okay you can sleep here tonight " Emma cooed kissing his forehead and turning off the light . Emma slid down the bed and played on her back , she watched Harley close his eyes so she took her glasses off and closed her eyes , two minutes later Harley managed to climb his way up Emma's body and clung to her while he hid his face in the crook of her neck , he slowly started to snore and Emma fell asleep .

Over the next month Harley settled in nicely and started to sleep in his own bed after two weeks in Emma's bed , he spoke for the first time last week .

Emma was making a bag of popcorn for her and Harleys movie , he was cuddled up on the couch with his rabbit and waiting for Emma to come back and press play , she settled down beside him and handed him the bowl of popcorn .They finished their movie and Harley was asleep on the couch Emma cleaned up the dishes , she had dried and put them away when she heard " mama ?" , she popped back up from behind the counter and looked to the couch and Harley wasn't there , he was standing beside her " mama " he said again . It was more of a question so Emma got down on her knees " do you want me to be your mama ?" She asked him , he nodded and hugged Emma .  She couldn't stop the tears falling down her face .

Since that day Harley hasn't held back when calling Emma mama .it was Harleys birthday tommorow so Emma wanted to make him a cake , she asked him what he wanted and he pointed to a vanilla cheese cake .

Emma was in the kitchen making the cake while Harley was colouring on the living room floor , he walked over curious as to what his mother was doing " you want to help ?" She asked him , he nodded so Emma got a step stool and let him stand . She got him to flatten down the busicut at the bottom while she made the rest .

Harley was having a bath splashing around with his toys when Emma's phone rang " I'll be back in a miniute kid " Emma said before running to her bedroom to get her phone "hey mom " she greeted Mary Margret "hello ems , are you and little Harley coming to visit this weekend ? We want to throw him a little party for his birthday " Mary Margret asked "I'm sure he would love that , we made a cake for him today " Emma added " that's great , him and Neal will get along great " Mary Margret said , Emma laughed " mom , Neal is six at Christmas and Harley is only turning three I don't k ow how well they will get along " the two women laughed as Emma walked back to the bathroom to watch her son play in the water " okay okay bye mom " Harley waved " Harley said bye too " she added , Emma held the phone to Harleys ear "  he Harley grandma loves you " she cooed before hanging up " okay bud , let's get you out or you'll turn into a prun " Emma joked tickling his side's making him giggle .

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