Church Bells

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Regina grabbed her coat that was flung over the rocking chair in her room , she wrapped it around her body and opened the door to her bedroom quietly so not to wake her husband , she looked over her shoulder to see him still fast asleep . She quietly walked down the stairs and through the foyer to her front door , she grabbed her keys from the bowl and quietly walked to her car and started it , she pulled out of the drive and just drove not intending on going anywhere .

She hadn't realised she was already far outside of town and now entering the next town over , she looked around the town that was full of pretty wall graffiti and small buildings , when she turned the corner she noticed her car was on E . It started to brake down so she pulled over on the side of the road and turned off the engine " shit shit shit" she cursed banging her hands on the steering wheel . She composed herself and looked out the window , across the road there was a big white church  , Regina knew it was a Thursday and no-one would be in church today so she decided to go to and sit down for a miniute to think about what she was going to do .

Regina walked into the church admiring the art and colours inside , she took a seat near the front of the pue and cried silently .how stupid could I be .She scolded herself in her head . She continued to do this until she heard a clatter and someone hiss in pain "fuuckkk" the feminine voice seethed out before coming into view, Regina quickly wiped her tears which caught the attention of the other woman walking through the church .

" oh I'm sorry I didn't know anyone was out here " the blonde apologised
" oh no ..its i-i can leave " Regina said standing up , the blonde stepped down the steps waving her hands "no stay , your more than welcome ..i was just cleaning up " the blonde mentioned , Regina nodded and gave a small smile before sitting back down .

" I'm Emma " the woman said smiling offering her hand then retracting it and swapping it for the less bloody one . Regina took it and laughed lightly " Regina , what happened your hand " Emma laughed and shook her head embarrsed " I was washing dishes and reached into the sink and grabbed a knife the blade " Regina shook her head " that wasn't very smart was it ?" Regina teased "okay yea it's wasn't but it was the knifed fault not mine " Emma joked causing Regina to laugh out loud .

Emma sat in front of Regina and pointed to the gash that was bruising on her cheek  " looks like I'm not the only clumpsy one" Emma stated , Regina tensed and touched her cut , Emma noticed " sorry I didn't mean to -" Regina cut her off " no its fine ..wait how did you-" Emma sighed laughing Regina to tilt her head in confusion .

" I guess after years of abuse it would be pretty stupid to not be able to notice it on other people wouldn't it ?" Emma light heartedly said, Regina was confused at how the blonde could joke about it but let it slide and watched the woman . Emma got up and sat beside Regina , she got comfortable but didn't look at Regina " I was an orphan , I was in a lot of shitty foster homes and picked on for being the smallest and for just being a happy little kid " Regina nodded for Emma to continue "I hid it from everyone so I wouldn't get in trouble , even the nun who was head of the group home hit me a couple of times for punishment wasn't until a kid pushed me on a glass coffee table and I had to go to hospital that they noticed old brakes and bruises ...i was fostered by a woman when I was fifteen but I gave her a really hard time because I was pissed at the world and I got myself in a bad relationship and arrested at 18 , I spent year in prison and a year on house arrest " Regina looked at Emma who pulled out a Lolly and stuck it in her mouth like a little kid "why did you tell me all of that ?" Regina asked amazed a stranger would tell her something so private " well because if I'm right I wanted you to know that your not alone...and if I wasn't i just wanted you to feel bad for me " Reginas eyes widened a bit , Emma grabbed Reginas arm lightly and laughed " no I'm joking ..i know I'm right " Regina shook her head and laughed .

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