Lost But Not Forgotten #2

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Emma was packing a bag for Harley for a weekend down in her family's house in Maine " Harley can you get me your toothbrush please " Emma called , she could hear the noice of Harleys bare feet padding against the wooden floor of the living room into the bathroom And then into his bedroom " here mama " he said handing it to her " thanks kid " Emma ruffled the little boys hair and put the toothbrush into his little suitcase .

She was soon finished and they were in the car on the way to Maine , it was a four hour drive and Harley slept through most of it , thank god for Emma because she gets fussy in car rides .

When they pulled up outside the house , Harley just woke up , Emma turned around in her seat " we 're here " Harley smiled and clapped his hands " let's go " Emma said getting out of the car and walking around to let Harley out , she lifted him out of the car and let him down to walk by himself while she got the bags .

Harley just let himself into the little house and wandered inside " Emma is that you- oh hello Harley where's mama ?" Mary Margret asked smiling at the little boy who pointed outside "okay I'll go help mama , Neal is in the  living room " .

Emma carried in the bags just as Mary Magret walked dour onto the porch ." Where did he go " Emma asked " into the living room " Mary Margret laughed " he wanders everywhere " Emma said laughing lightly " he's curious " Mary Margret added " where's dad ? " emma asked
" oh he's at the station, he should be here any miniute for dinner " her mother answered , Emma nodded and walked into the living room .

" EMMY !" Neal shouted running towards his big sister " hello handsome , did you say hi to Harley " Emma asked hugging her brother , he nodded and walked over to Harley wrapping his arm around him "he likes my leg is " Neal mentioned , Harley nodded and held up a little Lego car " oh it's very nice of you to share with him Neal , thank you " Emma cooed before getting up and walking to the kitchen .

" so how are you getting on ?" Mary Margret asked " mom he is really my bestfriend , I think it was the best decision I've ever made " Emma replied making her mother smile
" and how is the potty training going ?" Emma laughed " he has some accidents but he's doing really well and he has said a few more words so now his vocabulary consists of mama , here , please , thank you and rabbit " Mary Margret laughed at the odd words " well at least he is progressing " yea I didn't push , I can understand what he wants by his eyes" they women heard footsteps then " you were like that you know , wouldn't speak for two years " David , Emma's father said before kissing his wife hello and hugging his daughter "really ? Wow ..i never knew that " the two boys came running into the kitchen " dad look ! Harley likes legos" Neal told his dad who lifted the boys up for a hug " that's great Neal , your a good boy for sharing " .

Harley tugged on Emma's jeans for her to pick him up " up " he whispered , Emma picked her son up and cuddled him , her parents watched proudly at the adorable moment when Harley rubbed his nose against Emma's " I love you " Emma said putting her finger on Harleys heart , he smiled and did the same before wrapping his little arms around Emma's neck .

" dinner is ready " David called from the kitchen , the women and boys came and sat at the table , Emma sat Harley beside her on one side and Neal on the other " do you want me to cut your chicken nuggets ?" Emma asked Neal " no I'm a big boy emmy I can do it " he said , she turned to Harley " do you want me to cut yours ?" She asked Harley looked to Neal who smiled and shook his head so Harley shook his head " okay , this is going to be trouble " Emma laughed .

The next morning Emma's parents were in work and Neal was in school so she thought she would bring Harley to Grannys diner to meet Granny and Ruby . Emma walked with Harley because it was close to the house . She walked into the quite diner which was filling up and grabbed a booth at the back " hi what can I- Emma ! Omg your home " her bestfriend Ruby cheered bringing her friend into a bear hug " Harley hey baby boy " Ruby cooed hugging the small boy who smiled " hey Granny it's Emma!" Ruby shouted so her grandmother could hear her , granny came out cheering " oh lovely , hello dear " granny said hugging the young woman , she spotted Harley and scooped him up " oh look at you , you gotten so big since the last time I seen you " Granny cooed " you have only seen him on face time granny " Ruby teased " exactly it's about time you brought him to meet everyone " Granny scolded Emma who laughed it off " I know I know , I've been so busy with work but I'm actually thinking about moving back home" Emma mentioned , Granny cheered and hugged Emma again " about god damn time , Ruby has only moped around since you left " Granny teased Ruby rolled her eyes " I did not " she defended " I'd believe it " Emma teased earning a slap from Ruby who in turn got a light slap on her shoulder from Harley who riggled into his mother's arms and cuddled into her "oh I'm sorry Harley I was only joking with mama " Ruby explained " yes it's okay kid see I didn't cry " Emma said , Harley nodded and smiled .

They ate breakfast with Ruby and decided to go for a walk around town , Ruby had a shift and Emma was picking Neal up from school so they parted ways . Emma waited outside the school for Neal .

Emma was walking down the side walk with the two boys when Neal stopped outside the park " please emmy ! " he begged " okay come on we can play for a bit " Emma said letting the boys run into the park .

She sat on a bench in front of the big slides watching the boys go down them and play with other kids " be careful Neal " she called out to her younger brother who was swinging on the monkey bars " sorry , can I sit here " a voice said from beside Emma, she looked up to be met with a brunette woman " oh yea go ahead of course " Emma said scooting over a bit for more room " thank you , it's horrible trying to find a place to sit in order to watch them " the woman said sighing " oh I know , I was just walking past and they wanted to play" Emma laughed " which one is yours ?" The woman asked scanning the playground " well Neal is the one in the little blue uniform and Harley is wearing the yellow jumper "two? Wow you don't look old enough to have two toddlers " the woman said surprised .

Emma laughed " I'm not , Harley is my son , Neal is my little brother " the woman nodded " what about you?" Emma asked , the woman looked to under the slide " there he is , drawing pictures in the sand , that's my Henry" Emma smiled " he's beautiful , how old ?" She added " he turned three on Tuesday " Emma smiled " same with my boy , that's crazy ..same birthday " the women laughed " I'm Regina by the way " the woman said holding out her hand " I'm Emma " Regina smiled " I haven't seen you around before " Emma nodded " I live in Boston , I grew up here ..my parents David and Mary Margret Nolan live here " Emma replied " oh the sheriff is your father , yes I can see the resemblance" Regina added making Emma snort "everyone says that " .

Harley came walking towards the two women and climbed into his mother's lap " hello dear " Regina cooed but Harley just cuddled into his mother "shy are we " Emma shook her head "he dosent look a bit like you , has he got his daddies looks ?" Regina asked " I don't know actually..well I - I adopted Harley so I dont know what his birth parents looked like " Emma said , Regina smiled " wow when did you adopt ?" Regina asked " about two months ago , I've been trying for a year but I needed the right forms " Regina nodded knowing too well "I adopted Henry when he was just two weeks old " Emma nodded "oh that's lovely " .

Emma phone buzzed " oh I better get going before my mom kills me for being late , it was lovely meeting you Regina " Emma said smiling and standing up " you too Emma , I will see you around maybe " Emma nodded " I'm sure , NEAL COME ON BUDDY WE GOT TO GO " Emma called , Neal came running " bye " Neal waved to Regina " bye bye " Emma and the boys walked home , Harley fell asleep in Emma's arms halfway home .

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