Chapter 6

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Aqua Pov

 I exited the party heading to my car, when I remembered something. I saw three security cameras hanging on the wall of Mason's house, and they were staring at me. I ran back to the scene of the party and nervously entered through the side door. I pushed a button on my glasses, which hacked me in to the cameras data base, looking to see if anyone was in the upper part of the house.

Seeing that the cost was clear, I made my way to the fourth floor, walking from hallway to hallway, nosy room to, live face eating. I was more disgusted then relieved when I made it to the hallway which led to the security camera room.

I stopped at a corner and found two mirrors opposite of each other I took off my glasses and made a reflection which bounced from one mirror to the other. The left mirror showed two large dudes, standing guarding the room. Holy sh*t, I thought.

I went back a few hallways and entered a laundry room. I stole one of the rolling tables and covered it with a white blanket, and rolled it out the room. I got to the corner again, and found the guards still there. I hope this works.

I pushed the table out and it rolled in front of them, they seem to think something is happening, because the two guards start running after the rolling table. I took it as my chance and hurried to the room. I entered in a room filled with six large TV that show what was going on and two chairs empty.

I sat on the one on the right and typed delete, the next two hours. Something popped up on the screen and said "Please enter the pass code" I thought for a minute and remembered Mason loves bikini models. I entered in "Bikini" and it said Passcode accepted. I heard someone coming so I left to hide in a nearby corner in the room. The door opened revealing a 6'3 man with not as many muscles as he could have. I came out of the corner and sent one punch to his face and sides kick to his ribs, he was soon knocked out.

I ran out of the room and exited the house. I turned the engine to my car and sped away. I woke up with a hangover and the best feeling ever, of finally showing myself. I did my normal routine and headed to the island for breakfast. I entered the kitchen with a smile on my face. Lisa must have seen my happiness, because she made a big pancake, with two scrambled eggs as eyes, one bacon strip as a smile.

I gave her a wide grin and dug in to my food. Half way through, an envelope was dropped in front of me. I raised my eyebrow at Lisa, and she shrugged her shoulders and went away. I put the letter in my bag and started my walk to school.

I looked around the crowed morning parking lot and no sign of Payton. Why am I worrying about him? I shook my head and entered the building. I walked into Mr. Hail's class and no sign of Payton again. Maybe he missed school today. A smile rose on my lips and now my day might just be perfect.

Second period went by fast and before I knew it, I was entering in Science. I was whistling Somebody That I used To Know by Gotye ft. Kimbra, when I saw someone seating in the back roll with his feet on his desk.

My world came crashing down on me, and my happiness was gone. I wasn't going to let him ruin my day, so I got out my notebook and started doodling. We were learning about animal cells which we should have learned about in, what? Fifth grade.

I wasn't in the mood for notes so I continued to doodle. I felt someone's gaze on my back and knew it was Payton’s. The teacher turned around to write something on the board and I smirked to give Payton a satisfaction. Although I did it quickly so he might have thought he was seeing things.

Classes were on a roll of going fast today and I wanted it to stick that way. As the bell rang I exited the classroom and was anxious to get away from Payton. Ms. Lily, the librarian, saw me down the hall and called my name.

"Hey Aqua, do you mind taking this to the office and getting the copies I’ve made." Before I could say anything, she put the papers in my arm and left.

I had no choice so I made my way to the office. Just my luck came, when I spotted Payton coming down another hallway. We met at the office door, and he held if for me. Not wanting to talk, I forgot my thank you to him. He seemed to get the office lady to blush, and I just gave him an eye roll.

I got what I needed and so did he, so we exited, and this time the door hit him on his way out. I was finally glad to be gone from Payton when he came in front of me. I gave him a raised eyebrow and he looked a little nervous, I believe.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday, and I really want to make it up to you." He said rubbing the back of his neck. I looked surprised at first but then curious. He looked sexy being nervous, wait. Aqua Henderson did you just say that.

"Why would a cocky, jerk want to make it up to a nerd like me? This is not a cliché romance, that includes nerd end up with the jerks, so why all of a sudden you want to? Is it a bet or dare? Do you want to impress your parents or something? I told you yesterday to leave me the f*ck alone." He looked surprised now, and I wanted to know what his game was.

"If you want the truth, here I will give you the truth." I was tapping my foot waiting for my response. "I want to become friends and get to know you better." I looked shocked and then I made a "you’re kidding me right," face.

I still don't trust him, so I'll give him a test. "Okay. But why?" I asked.

"I really like you." I can't believe he likes me, but I was trying to look cool, so I looked emotionless.

"Are you lying to me?" I asked dryly.

"No, I'm not." He replied, with a serious face.

"If you want to become friends and know me better than, you have to pass one test." I said, looking into his eyes.

He clapped my hands together and looker in my eyes. This was going to be easy. "What test is it, defending you, fighting someone, stealing, or playing dress up?" he guessed.

"Actually no," I said. "I need you to guess my eye color." I said, smirking.

"Well that's easy it's green." He said. He is so dumb, I thought.

"You're so wrong." I said and turned around heading for the library.

"What do you mean? Are you dumb, can't you see." He said.

I stopped, and I can't believe he said that. "No. But unless you figure it out, your name is CJ." He looked at me with a "What the hell look".

"What does CJ mean, and what does it have to do with this test." he yelled after me.

"It means Cocky Jerk and it has nothing to do with this test, I just wanted to call you something." I disappeared down the right hall.

I wanted to read my letter, so I dug in my bag, but it wasn't there. I walked down the hall and saw Payton, with my letter. Oh, god, I said.


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