"I really can't do this shit man." He said to himself. "LUCKYYY !!"

He went into Ryan room seeing her get from under him when she was out the room he closed the door and they walked into the living room.

"Why are you yelling ?"

"I'm about to go crazy and it's not good, I'm good on my end you wanted her gone she's gone. It's no more unnecessary bullshit on my end no more. So what are you going to do ?"

"Ryan picked for you but I wanna have one last sit down with them both and go from there. I want Ry to at least meet him and see what happens just let me do that much." He nodded his head.

He could only respect it, he pulled her body towards him by her neck he kissed her lips he went deeper into the kiss until he let her neck go." I swear I can't do the beefing shit it's not me. Y'all got my promise I'll never let y'all done. I'm letting y'all meet but not at his house somewhere here."

"Okay baby thank you for understanding."

"Do you have to tell me anything else ? Or ask me anything ?" He asked. "I'm hear to tell the whole truth."

"What you do for a living ? You told me you a college student and you do low key work. You got cars, money and all this other stuff and you're only 20."

He knew R.J brought this to her attention that's why he had to die. R.J was making Ye' ass itch he just had to find a way to take him out without it falling back on him.

"I'm a business man you my girl stay down for me I'll tell you when the time is right. We both understanding shit can you handle that ?"

Lucky had a feeling what he job was because everything we starting to make since but didn't wanna over think. so she was going to wait until he told her. She couldn't be mad because she still didn't tell him the truth about everything.

"Yes I can handle that much." She looked him
In his eyes letting him know she wasn't lying. "I'm sorry for lying to you, I don't like that feeling because you're my best friend, you understand anything and always in my comer I'm just sorry."

"No you not sorry Lucky, I hate the word sorry but our week been messed up because both sides. Let's just make shit right and get back how we was okay ?"

Ye' wanted to tell her about his sister and what he was doing but he didn't want to drop another bomb on her so soon. Hopefully he can add everything up before it's to late.

"Okay." She stood on her tippy toes and kissed his pink lips. "What are we doing today ? I wanna do something different."

"Like what ?"

She took her shoulder and threw them up and down rubbing her hands over my neck tattoos."You know so just say it."

"I wanna pop up on my mom and sister, I don't know why I just miss them even though they hurt me so damn bad."

"Where this come from ?" He took her hand and start walking them both down the wall way to his door, not without looking in Ry room seeing him still asleep. "He play that game all night long had to."

When he got into his room, he pulled the covers back and took his clothes back off and Lucky did the same leaving them both in under clothes. Once they was both in the bed, Ye' pulled lucky on top off him and start rubbing her back. "Now I'm comfortable and all ears."

"I haven't seen them in years, I'm hurt I can act like I'm fine but I'm so hurt still. R.J don't know how bad he made my life hell. I'm a female who don't want her mother around ? Your mother is the only grandmother my son know and that alone makes me love her so much but I want my mother to see her grandson, my sister to her only npnew they don't ever have to like me again but I want them to get to him know. I'm talking in circles but you see where I'm coming from ?"

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