| 38 | Between The Lines

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"An order of, " I stared blankly into the customer's eyes. They said it once and usually I can repeat but this time I have blasted away from everything they wanted. She rolls her eyes at me when I grabbed my tablet, clicking my pen indicating I was ready to write.

" Shot of decaf coffee with 8 scoops of sugar, 6 teaspoons of sugar-free vanilla, 6 teaspoons sugar-free caramel, and a splash of warm, but not hot, soy milk." briskly, I wrote trying to keep up with her fast talking.

"We don't scary soy milk, ma'am." She rolled her eyes again. Who the fuck does she think she is? She lets out a sigh,

"Well, I guess if you guys have carrageenan free cream, I'll take that."

"What the fuck is carrageenan?" Slipped through my mouth without sensory. Her eyes widen, snapping her purse off the counter before she stomped out of there. The new employee, Kirstie walks out with the pastries, putting them away.

"Hey Kirstie do you know what carrageenan is?" She shrugs at me, but at this time I really wanted to know what it was but then other thought of "Who the fuck cares." came next.

Throughout the long, boring day of work, Prince decided to swing by. That was always my favorite time especially since I waited to have a lunch break with him. I decided we hung out outside on a park bench while watching the river.

"It's not unbearably hot today," I said, taking his hand into mine. He plants a kiss on my cheek.

"I actually have news about your parents." My parents what? I've made you go to dinners at their house for almost a month every Friday night and you just got some news about them you need to share with me? I sighed, smiling at him trying not to be sarcastic.

"News? How great." I facepalmed because that did sound as sarcastic as it got. He shook his head at me.

"Nah," He said, turning away, looking at the river. I looked at the river as well, now I'm intrigued about what they said.

"Okay but anyways now you do have to tell me." He looks at me pouting his lip, shaking his head.

"Now you gotta earn it for being so rude." He crosses his arms, scooting away from me. I giggled and saw he was holding in a laugh.

"Please baby I'll do anything." I scooted closer to him.

"Anything?" He looks at me enthused and I nodded.

"Yes, of course, anything for the-answers" I coughed. "I mean my for my man." I smiled sweetly and he looks at me, acting all shocked.

"Sex?! My lord Beaulieu." He fakes wipes the sweat off his forehead which made me laugh.

"Anyways, they wanted to see you. I told them about us and they respected it a lot." I looked at him confused.

"They told me they were mad at you and kicked you out for sleeping with someone in your bed, not that you were with a girl." silence came coldly after that. Are you serious? They kicked me out for having sex in my bed? Not because it was a girl just because I was having sex? I couldn't help but let my emotions take over me, tears started to fall down my face before I could even turn away.

"No don't cry don't cry." He wraps his arms around me while I covered my face. "How fucking embarrassing, crying over this and out in public."

"I promise I respect whatever choice you make but-" I blurted something out before I could even censor it, again.

"What about your fucking parents? Don't you guys have a pretty fucked up relationship too? Repair that shit first Prince before you try to repair mine." I got up and walked away. I was so angry not at him but the situation, for that I took it out on him.

I got in my car, driving off to the middle of nowhere where I sat crying which felt like forever. I didn't want to hurt him, shit I MADE him go over there for dinners though he was uncomfortable. I MADE him get information out, I wanted all of this but knowing the truth really fucking sucks. It's the worse thing imaginable but also scary. My parents weren't homophobic but felt as if they were being disrespected for me having sex under their roof. What? Would they have been happier if I did it in the church or out in an alleyway? I wasn't going to do that but also here I sit thinking what my whole existence was, was wrong. Soon it turned dark and I knew it was time to go home. It was empty and cold, like how I truly felt about myself. I hurt someone I truly loved and now I'm regretting that wholeheartedly. Picking up the phone, I dial his number slowly but all I got was dial tone because I kept fucking it up. Finally, I gave up because my vision grew blurry due to all the tears falling out of them. Fuck it, I decided to grab my keys and drive to his house. Bad call, don't do that, crying and driving, they don't mix at all! But somehow I got there and notice a whole bunch of cars outside.

Getting out and walking closer to his house, he was having a party.

   "Are you fucking kidding me?" I unlocked and open the door, seeing nobody was there or downstairs. He was just blaring his music that loud. I checked all the rooms upstairs and on the main floor before going where I knew he was at. I walk downstairs and realize it wasn't worse than what I thought, him alone in front of the soundboard, tinkering. I decided to sneak behind him, sitting on the couch that was against the wall, just watching him. Shortly after the song ended he gets up, obviously seeing me but then ignoring me, going upstairs.

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