"No, I don't." Looking at Lilie, I could see she was concerned. "Spill, Lilie." Lilie is more like an older sister then coach. Our relationship is pretty causal, with us hanging out outside of practice sometimes. She hangs out with Mara also, but from the stories I've heard, Mara isn't the best at listening to others during conversation. I enjoyed how blunt I  could be around Lilie and that she always gave her honest opinions and thoughts.

"Your transitions aren't clean, neither were your landings." She replay a part of the video to prove her point. Leaning foward with both arms by my side and one leg streched out behind me, the camrel spin was well balanced. The spin ended with me bring my leg down, as I straighted up. My leg came to far down, touching the ice which slowed my speed. This made transitioning into a sit spin awkward. Instead of keeping a study flow of speed, while lowering my body into a sitting position with one leg streched in forwards with both arms in front. The spin slowed enough that my leg completely touched the ice, allowing me to push off of the ice to regain speed and then transition into a sit spin. 

(The first one is the camrel spin and the second is the sit spin.)

"Right here." Lilie paused the video. "Clearly, your unfousced. These are easy spins you've done dozens of times. I've never seen you mess up like this." She replayed more of the video, this time showing me working on spins. Each spins landing ends with me strumbling slightly. 

(These are some of the jumps Kya was praticing.)

Putting her cell away, she gave me the big sisterly look. A look she often gives when she wants us to be completely honest from the start. "Talk, what's distracting you? You'll need to have a clear head and be fousced moving forward. You want to make it into the nationals, right?"

How could I explain things? Lilie wouldn't believe me if I told her about Lyoko and the supercomputer. Not mention, she probably wouldn't remember the conversation. Return to the Past has a good bouns of erasing anyone's memory if they haven't been to Lyoko. We discover this after our first use of Return to the Past, when Cam didn't remember anything.

"My main distraction is about a hundred and fifty pounds of annoying brattiness." I jerked my head in the direction Mara had gone. "I'd do much better if Mara wasn't around. Why can't you train us speretaly like you usually do before a competition?" The last thing I need to worry about is Mara stealing or copying my routine. Although, she's admitted she'd never do something so cowardly and pitic. Do I believe her? Nope.

"The two of you need to stop fighting and aruging all the time." Lilie crossed her arms. "There's going to be a speical  team competition sporced.  There will be one team compeition avablie for each compeition level. I was thinking of forming a team with you and the other three girls to enter. But if you and Mara can't get along, there's no way we're entering."

"Why didn't you inform us sooner?" I asked, as we made our way to the locker room. 

"Don't worry about that right now." Lilie patted my head, like she always does before leaving. "We'll discuss it more after the upcoming competition has passed." She offered a reassuring smiled before leaving.

Once she left, I checked to make sure Mara wasn't still changing. The less time spent around her, the better. Before changing, I checked my cell. Nothing, no voice mail, text, or missed call. Because we didn't know what Xana's lastest attack was, not hearing from the others is worrying. 

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