Chapter 29: Double Nightmare

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Warning: Violence, gore, intense(not too intense)
Trin's POV
*pant* *pant*, I need to get away...away from stepdad....
Jacob's POV
I hear grunts and panting, it was Trin, h-having another nightmare? Who is it about, it better not be Raymond....or Kyle....or either...then Trin sat up in cold sweat, fear, shaking, I put my hands on her arms, they were really cold, I asked her "What happened?", Trin slowly looks at me, she says "I-It was m-my stepdad...he abused m-me......until I died, h-he killed me, how, he beat m-me up so bad I could barely do anything, s-so he b-beat me up, I could see this was the kind of future i-if we never met, never dated...", my eyes widened, and started overflowing with tears, I hugged Trin tightly, she started sobbing in my shoulder, we kept crying for a while until, our eyes felt heavy, so we went back to sleep.
The Next Morning
Trin's POV
I felt someone getting up, I slowly opened my eyes and saw that it was Jacob, I grabbed his hand and said "Please don't leave me, please, just a few more mins?", Jacob chuckled, and came back to bed, I cuddled with him and we stayed like that for a few minutes. After that we got up and went downstairs to eat breakfast, then we get in the car and drive around town.

After they drive around town

Jacob's POV

After we drove around town, we decided we would go eat at Samurai, it had the best fried rice and chicken! After we ate there, we drove back home and played on our computers, we played on Team Fortress 2, Yandere Sim, and MikuMikuDance, aka MMD. It started getting late, so we closed everything and stuff and went upstairs to bed.
Trin's POV
I could feel someone turning a lot, I looked at Jacob, he was sweating, he was having a nightmare, what is it about?
Jacob's POV
I stared at this guy, he was holding a knife, I stared at him angrily, I held a long, sharp knife, he came at me, I slashed at him, I slashed his black coat, close to his stomach. Trin stayed back, I was hoping this guy would not come at her, she didn't have a knife, he came at me, but I blocked his knife with mine, after we let go, I slashed at his stomach, his intestines started falling out and blood went everywhere, I had blood on my face and my shirt, then I immediately woke up.
Trin's POV
Jacob woke up in fear and cold sweat, I tapped him on his shoulder, jumped up a little, I ask "What is it?", Jacob said "I had a nightmare, about this guy who was trying to kill us, but I was stronger than him, then I slashed his stomach and his intestines fell out and there was blood everywhere, on my face and shirt, then I woke up.", I shivered, I was cold, and a little scared at the same time, I hugged Jacob tightly, he hugged me tightly.
The Next Morning
I woke up, Jacob was awake, he was taking his shirt off, I blushed, staring at his biceps, then he threw his shirt next to the closet, then he went to the bathroom to take a shower, then I got up and opened the door to go to the bathroom, the shower door was closed, foggy and steamy in there to cover everything, I I pulled my pants down and sat on the toilet, then I finished and and opened the door and closed it on my way out, and went downstairs, I got Nutella and bread and ate two slices. I saw Jacob walk down the stairs and walked to me, he gives Eskimo kisses, then he kissed me passionately, I kiss back, we stayed like that for a few minutes, then we pulled apart before it got too intense, then we sat on the couch together, finishing The Walking Dead, we had fun just chilling together.

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