Chapter 2: The Relationship

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Jonas's POV

Tabitha's friend Julianna literally asked me if I wanted Trinity to be my girlfriend, I was overwhelmed with happiness and said" Yes".

Tabitha's POV
I literally cannot believe He wants me to be his girlfriend!
Me and Julianna jump up and down in excitement that I literally have a boyfriend!


Tabitha's POV

Me and Jacob are dating, I'm so happy, we sit together at lunch, I came to sit next to him and I saw that he was eating sushi for lunch and I said " Ooh sushi!" he gave me one, even though I didn't ask but I ate it and friends were saying my face was red, I put my hands on my cheek, looking at my tray, later I just hung out With Jacob and played games( I can't remember the name of the game I played with him but it was a game where one person is a monster or something and they tag someone and they become the monster too and if the monster tags others they become the monster too) while me and Jonas were the only ones were not monsters, he took my hand and says "let's go Tabitha." It was unexpected, but we held hands the first time, my eyes widened, I was blushing red as a tomato, I was overwhelmed with happiness.

Trinity's POV

I wrote my phone number on a small piece of paper, and gave it to Jacob a few seconds before class was over, I gestured "text and call me". I got on the bus, listening to One Direction while waiting for a text, my phone buzzed, I checked what it was, I got a text saying " Hey Trin". I asked " Is this Jacob?"
It replied " Yes love ❤️". I relied " yay! I'm happy we're dating, I really like you." Jacob replied " me too that's why we're dating ❤️". When I came home, I jumped up and down and jumped to the couch, I called Jacob, Jayden(my sister who's a year and a half older than me) comes to sit next to me and I ask Jacob" which is better Dragon Ball or Naruto, Jayden says" Naruto!" Jacob says" Dragon Ball Z, it's over 9,000!" I say "yep, true dat". We had fun calling that day.

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