It Can Wait [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]

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  Time seemed to stop. Like a movie in slow motion, everyone watched Jacques limp body fall forward. Jenny cried as she fell to the ground, knocking her chin. Sehun, Kai and Chanyeol had secretly snuck out and hid behind Kris, they were just in time to hear a gunshot.

                Sehun watched the blood pool from Jacques’s body as it flowed underneath the man, his eyes rolling back. When he looked up he saw a boy with pink hair. He was holding the gun.

                He was crying.

                “Zelo…” Suho mumbled quietly.

                “I can’t do this…I didn’t do this…” he sobbed quietly, pointing the gun downward to the already dead body.

                “Zelo…come here…”

                “I can’t let him kill Jenny…I can’t…”

                “You didn’t…you stopped him…calm down Zelo, put down the gun…”

                “You SON OF A !!” Yongguk raised his gun and aimed at Zelo. He fired the bullet and in a fraction of a second, the boy was pulled down by Suho as they narrowly avoided the shot.

                “Jenny!!” Kris lunged forward to pick up his daughter and crumbled forward as he picked her up. He turned to look at his leg and cursed at the sight of blood spilling out. “!”

                “Kris has been shot! Get him!!” Minho yelled out the orders. Jenny held out to her father and wailed. “Daddy!! Daddy!!”

                “Kris! Kris!” Suho ran to his cousin’s side, who was feeling faint from the blood loss. “Medic!!!”

                “You’ll never have me!” Yongguk ran with Kyungsoo in his arms. He turned to see his men following him, but the authorities were quicker. Sungyeol had already apprehended the men carrying Luhan and Baekhyun. And in the midst of contemplating whether he should save his men, he felt the cold barrel of a gun near his forehead.

                “Give it up.” Suho’s voice ringed in his ears.

                Yongguk put Kyungsoo down and raised his hands in defeat.

                The game is over. And they lost.

                Yongguk had handcuffs slapped on him and was quickly ed away. He looked at Jacques dead body, lying in his own blood and he could feel tears in his eyes. He hasn’t cried in 20 years.

                This is the first time he did.

                I’m sorry boss.


                “Take them all to the hospital! Quick!!” Suho urged, getting his cousin and niece into the ambulance. He made the Dolls and the three boys go as well. He ran his hands through Jacques’s body, feeling his coats and jackets. Inside, he found a small square device with a single red button.

                This is it. The self destruct button.

                “Taemin!!!” His assistant appeared like magic beside him. “Send men to every single one of Jacques’s clubs. To the banks, to our house, his apartment and everywhere he has had contact with. There are bombs there!”

The Porcelain Dolls (EXO OTP's) [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]Where stories live. Discover now