Kaisoo's Outdoor Escapade [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]

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  It was a nice, cool weekend in the break of autumn, but despite the peaceful weather, The Kim family, as well as their college neighbours and house guests cannot rest and enjoy.

                Ever since news of the Porcelain Doll’s disappearance broke out and their names featured on every newspaper possible, the family has made it their mission to keep the Doll’s presence a secret. They were not allowed to open doors to strangers, they had their hair dyed in different colours and completely new wardrobes (to which Kim Jongdae suffered a major cardiac arrest once he saw the bill) to disguise them. The only thing they have on their side is that the family lived outside of Seoul, and rarely went into the city. The Dolls were locked in and it was almost as if they were placed under house arrest.

                On that particular Saturday morning however, a change will occur.

                After breakfast, Lucy and Mike were settled on the couch, watching cartoons. Luhan and Sehun joined them, since Luhan loved cartoons and Sehun was bored with everything else. Baekhyun retreated back into his shared room with Chanyeol for some reading while Chanyeol strummed his guitar, singing random tunes. Kai was the only one doing something remotely productive by picking up a book and reading it to Kyungsoo very carefully, coaxing him to pronounce some easy words.

                “Are you trying to get Luhan and Kyungsoo to talk?” Jongdae asked his husband, Xiumin.

                “Well, it was actually Kai’s idea. He said that since they are learning how to read and write, they might as well learn how to talk. We decided we’d just go slow and start from the basics, as if we were just teaching Lucy and Mike how to say their first words.”

                “Ah, home voice therapy eh?” Jongdae smiled. “I was thinking of sending them to a professional therapy session.”

                “Forget about it, do you know how much they cost?!” Xiumin swatted his husband with a rag. “It took weeks for poor Kyungsoo to be comfortable with us and now you wanna introduce him to another stranger? No way, if anyone is gonna get that kid to talk; it will be the people who love him most.”

                “Try saying this Kyungsoo, ‘apple.’” Kai said, pronouncing more clearly as Kyungsoo watched his lips. “Apple.” He repeated. Kyungsoo parted his lips and his lips shook for a bit, almost as if he was really trying to get his lips to move and his voice to sound out. He managed to get his lips to move.

                “One more time, apple.”

                Kyungsoo focused on Kai, watching his lips intently. He tried again, this time, mouthing the words as clearly as he could. It was weird, he could hear it in his head, but his voice refuses to sound it.

                “Another time?” this time Kai came close, leaning his ear towards Kyungsoo, trying to detect even the faintest hint of a sound, but all he got was a really mild, breathy whisper of ‘apple’.

                “At least you can whisper.” Kai sighed, smiling a little. It’s slow, but they are getting somewhere. He flipped the page and continued the story.

                “You know, I have been thinking and discussing with Dr. Lee, you know the psychiatrist…” Jongdae started.

                “You mean the one with the for chicken?” Xiumin smiled. “If you ask me, he should be the one receiving therapy and not giving them.”

                “Yeah well, whatever,” Jongdae waved the topic away. “Kyungsoo and Luhan are mute due to trauma, right?”


The Porcelain Dolls (EXO OTP's) [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora