Gain and Lose. Twice. [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]

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“Director Kim! Director Kim!” the press would not stop haunting the Suho. Ever since news of the three missing boys and Interpol’s arrival has been made known to the public, the press would literally sleep outside of the building’s headquarters to get any information that they could possibly dig up on the case. Suho decided that a long overdue press conference is needed.

“Look at those people out there.” Kris said, looking out over the window and down onto the hall beneath him. “They look like fish getting ready to fight for food, and you’re the tastiest treat there is.”

“Nice, thanks for the comfort.” Suho rolled his eyes, letting Taemin fix his tie and fuss over him. Taemin’s policy is: if you’re gonna be in the eye of the public, you might as well look your best. To Suho it sounded like: if you’re gonna die in public, might as well look good dying.

“How much information are you going to reveal?” Kris asked.

“Just enough to satisfy their hunger pangs. The details of this case are still classified and knowing too much may put the public in danger. Mr. X is a dangerous man, who knows the amount of harm he can do.”

“Alright boss,” Taemin dusted his shoulders and gave his boss a pat on the back. “Go out there and get them!”

Suho took a deep breath and walked towards the stage. The photographers couldn’t stop snapping pics and every flash actually stung his eyes. Suho squinted a little before Taemin helped him onto his podium.

“Director Kim! Korea Herald here!” a voice from the crowd screamed. “What can you tell us about this case of the missing boys?”

“Director Kim! Is it true that the boys are a part of some underground human trafficking ring?”

“The three missing boys, Luhan, Do Kyungsoo and Byun Baekhyun are victims of human trafficking.” Suho answered. “This is why we, WOAHT, are involved. We believe the boys are in danger and are out there hiding somewhere.”

“Director Kim! There is a rumour that the boys have already been found. What is your response to this?”

“It has been almost 5 months since their reported disappearance. Perhaps they were found by someone and currently in hiding, or it could also be possible that they have died from starvation. We have yet to find them, so it’s not right to make assumptions without logical evidence.”

“Director Kim! Do you have any idea who is behind all this?”

“We are currently on the hunt for a man named Mr. X, believed to be one of the most dangerous and notorious human trafficking ring leaders of all time.” Suho cleared his throat. “It is believed that the three missing boys are linked to Mr. X, hence we are putting this matter at utmost urgency.”

“Director Kim! It’s been 6 months, have you gotten anywhere to finding this man?”

“No, but…”

“Director Kim! If there is a dangerous man on the loose, what do you have to say for the families of young ones? Are we expected to live in horror or keep our children in a dungeon as this man still runs amok?”

“Listen, I…”

“Director Kim!! Director Kim!!!” The flashes of light and sounds of reporters screaming and yelling just got louder and worse. Taemin ordered security to hold them back as he pulled Suho back. Suho pushed his way forward and back to the podium.

“Listen,” he panted, squinting at the light as he tried to look straight ahead. “Mr. X is a very dangerous man and we are doing all we can, day and night, to find this man. We urge the public that if you have any information to share whatsoever, please contact us.”

The Porcelain Dolls (EXO OTP's) [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]Where stories live. Discover now