Euphoria [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]

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The gallery curator, Mdm. Adler certainly doesn’t look her age. Gallery employers say that Mdm. Adler is in her early fifties, but she doesn’t even look forty. With jet black curls and piercing blue eyes to match her perfectly red lips and snowy skin, the curator of the Martha Wu gallery has been in Korea for over 5 years, as a matter of fact, she was here ever since the gallery opened. Her hands have touched numerous paintings, shaken with countless guests, her feet have walked the gallery so much the familiar sound of her high heels tapping is nothing more than a part of the gallery’s history. Her eyes and ears have seen and heard so much.

                There is nothing more beautiful than the human body. It must be true, because the minute Kris and his partner Minho stepped into her office; Mdm. Adler’s eyes have never left his body.

                “Coffee, gentlemen?” she asked, the corners of her lips lifting upwards in a soft smile.

                “No thanks.” Kris declined.

                “I’ll take black.” Minho shrugged. Mdm. Adler walked to her little coffee station and Kris nudged his partner. “She is the curator?”


                “Well then why didn’t you just interview her yourself? Why did you have to insist upon dragging me with you to do it?”


                “Here you are.” The coffee mug interrupted the duo’s whispery conversation. Mdm. Adler in her black suit from Dolce and Gabbana sat down at her seat, her perfectly manicured hands together as she looked at her guests.

                “So, how can I help you today?”

                “We’d like to ask you some questions about the extension behind the gallery.” Kris said.

                “Ah yes, the old storage facility.”

                “Old storage facility?” Minho repeated. “Old as in, was used but now no more?”

                “Yes, it was used as a storage facility for paintings but ever since there was a leak in one of the piping structures, oxygen began to seep in and ruin some of the old paintings.” She said. “We’ve had all the paintings and sculptures removed to our new underground storage facility. It’s better that way.”

                “How long has it been since you changed the storage facility?”

                “Quite a while. At least 2 years now.”

                “And all of this is Mr. Wu’s idea?” Kris raised an eyebrow.

                “Of course. He owns the place. You,” she looked at Kris, her piercing gaze never letting up. “of all people should know that.”

                “I see…” Kris cleared his throat, feeling a little bit uncomfortable. “Mdm. Adler, have you ever seen any…activities happening around the old storage facility since you started using the new one?”

                “What do you mean?”

                “Black cars or vans with windows tinted, people running in and out, mysterious figures, little children, incoherent screaming…you know, the usual.” Minho said. Kris eyed his partner judgingly.

The Porcelain Dolls (EXO OTP's) [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]Where stories live. Discover now