A new lead and Baekhyun's Story [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]

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      “Have you seen these three?” Kris held up a sketch drawing of three boys. It has been days since the Doll’s disappearance and so far, nothing. Kris is getting restless. No one has ever seen the boys before. There are no traces of them, no prints, nothing. It’s almost as if they disappeared from the face of this earth.

                “Nope, never seen them before.” The middle aged man answered. Kris sighed, thanking him and walked away. He had to find the Dolls. They could be hurt and injured, starving away, or maybe even kidnapped and tortured even more! If what the other victims they have rescued from the club said was true, then these boys must be in even bigger pain and suffering.

                Kris stopped to buy some ddeokbokki and some odaeng for a snack. Running around makes him hungry, and Kris has skipped a few meals for the past few weeks. He sat down at an empty bus stop, chewing on the spicy ddeokbokki.

                “Can you please spare me some money?” A beggar with torn grey clothing and long white beard walked over to him, holding out his dirtied hand. Kris sniffled, his nose tickled by the foul stench emanating off the beggar. He takes out a few pennies and some spare change from his wallet and hands it to the man.

                “Thank you, kind sir.” The beggar tipped his head. He sat down on the bench, a few feet away from Kris.

                “Sir, have you seen these three?” Kris took out the drawing and showed the beggar. No sense in not trying to ask him, who knows, perhaps he might get lucky.

                The beggar squinted at the drawing. “Are they lost boys?”

                “Kind of.”

                “Hmm…” he scratched his head. “Nope, never seen them before.”

                Kris nodded. “Thank you sir.” He folded his drawing back.

                “But I have seen those collars.”

                “Collars?” Kris jerked his head back up and unfurled his drawing again. His sketch artist Donghae had also drawn in the boys’ collar, a brown leather strap with studded purple gems. Kris remembered taking the collar back to the laboratory to have it analyzed and found that the studded gems were actually a series of complex wireless cables that emit radioactive waves, allowing the collars to be tracked from computer within a 3-mile radius. Kris actually wished the boys had those collars on. He would have been able to save time tracking them down.

                “You have seen these collars?” he asked the old beggar.

                “Yeah. I saw some girls on the street wearing them. They were up in Gangnam.”


                “Uh huh. You see, I go there during the night to pick up some food scraps, and I saw a new club opening there. There are some pretty girls wearing those collars.”

                Girls wearing collars? Club in Gangnam? Could it be that Mr. X has opened a new club so soon after the old one fizzled out?

                “Thank you for your information sir.” Kris said, handing over his odaeng. “Here, have some.”

                “Why, thank you.” The beggar took the food as Kris fumbled for his phone. He had to make a call to Suho. It looks like the case has a new lead.

The Porcelain Dolls (EXO OTP's) [Originally written by: sweetukissfan]Where stories live. Discover now