Chapter 18 We Need Some Chicken Wings On The Fly

Start from the beginning

I sat in silence while the boys all messed around. Until I heard the familiar tune of a popular song on the radio.

"Yeah! Now it's a party!" Liam said beside me.

"No! Turn it off!" I said.

"What are you talking about? This is a great song!" Niall said. He began singing along with the other boys.

"Girl look at that body! Girl look at that body! Girl look at that body! I, I work out!" and they all flexed their biceps except Harry, who was driving.

"I would give my left butt cheek to never hear this song again." I said.

"C'mon Bianca! Have a little fun. When I walk in the spot, this is what I see, everybody stops and they staring at me." Louis sang along.

"I got passion in my pants and I ain't afraid to show it, show it, show it." Zayn said.

"I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT!" they all yelled.

The boys all danced in their seats singing.

"No shoes, no shirt, and I still get service! Watch!" Liam yelled.

I gave in and sang along after the second chorus.

"Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah!" we all yelled together.

After the song ended, Harry smirked at me in the rearview mirror. "Bianca wants to see me wiggle." he said and winked.

"So does Niall." I retorted. They gave me confused looks so I shrugged. "I ship Narry."

Harry rolled his eyes and pulled into the parking lot at Nando's.

"What are we supposed to do until you get off work?" Louis asked.

"I don't care. You guys can hang out here, as long as you don't do anything stupid, or go back to the hotel." I said.

"I vote on staying here." Niall said immediately.

"Yeah! We can, like, flirt with your coworkers." Harry said. Oh, right, Jade.

"Leave my coworkers alone. You'll get me fired." I said.

"Whatever. Let's go, you're going to be late." Zayn said. We piled out of the car and went inside to start my four hour shift.

Two and half hours later, I was bored. I do not like working. I walked over to Jade, who was washing dishes.

"Is it always this boring?" I asked her.

She chuckled, "No, it's just a slow day."

Niall walked though the door.

"You can't be back here, employees only." I said.

"Too bad. I need some chicken wings on the fly, we have to go."

"What do you mean we have to go?" I asked.

"I mean we have a concert in about three hours." he said and picked up a chicken wing off the counter thing. I slapped his hand.

"Why didn't you tell me you had a concert?" I demanded.

He shrugged. "It never came up."

I sighed and said goodbye to Jade, who hugged Niall before we left. She definitely had the One Direction Infection.

"I have to go tell my boss that I have to leave early." I told them before we left.

"Don't worry, we already did." Liam said, and we left.

Once we were there, the boys were rushed off to do their stuff before the concert, so I was left alone and bored. Except when I could catch the occasional glimpses at their drummer, Josh Devine. What a babe.

He noticed me ogling his perfect shoulders and walked over. "Hi!" he said.

I choked a little on air and did a weird breathy "Uh, um, hi." back. He gave me a weird look and went back to his drum stuff.

I sat on a couch for the next few hours passing the time by playing on my phone. And awkwardly texting Oliver. He mostly just talked about how awesome it must be to be backstage again. I really need to work on my conversation skills.

After the concert, the boys washed the sweat off them and met some of the fans. Then they came back and annoyed me.

"Hey Bianca, can I see your phone?" Louis asked.


"Why not?" Harry asked.

"Because you guys will do something on it that will make me feel awkward and embarrassed." I said.

"No we won't!" Niall argued.

"Don't care. You can't have my phone." I said.

"Come on, please?" Zayn pleaded.

"No!" I said and felt my phone being plucked out of my hand.

"Got it!" Liam said cheerfully.

"Hey! Give it back!" I yelled.

"Nope. Here you go Louis." Liam said and handed my phone to Louis.

"You have a passcode." he whined.

"Ha!" I said.

"You have a passcode? Why?" Harry asked.

"So you guys don't steal my phone and read my texts." I told him. Liam started singing to the tune of What Makes You Beautiful.

"You're insecure, don't know what for. Got a passcode on you iPhone, we're not su-u-re. Don't need to hide, your apps from us, we don't care if they're disturbing, we don't ju-u-udge."

"Everyone else wants to see you iPhone, everyone else wants to kno-ow" Harry sang.

"Bianca, please unlock your I-iPhone, we just want to play ga-ames doncha know? And if O-li-ver texts you we can thi-ink of a reply that doesn't make you sound a-awk-ward! We just want to play your Angry Birds!" they all sang. It was safe to say I was impressed.

"The passcode's 1,2,3,4." I told them.

"That's the worst code ever." Niall said.

"You guys didn't figure it out." I retorted.


Thank you all so much for reading and commenting and voting!! We hit 3,000 reads earlier today, and we wanted to come up with a way to celebrate and to thank you guys. I thought a question/answer thing would be fun. Like an interview sort of thing but you guys ask the questions. But if you guys have any suggestions please let us know.

I also wrote the song above about the passcode. I originally wrote it for my cousin, who doesn't like me. Apparently I'm "annoying" whatever that means. Please do not steal it or I will be very upset. And by very upset, I mean I will find you. >:[

Video on the side is of Niall and Liam on a twitcam singing Sexy and I Know It. Perfect song for them.

Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!! we freakin' love you!!! :D

:) ~R

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