Mission to The Earth

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Two weeks later after Ezra found his journal as he found the picture, he was busy working with holo mission table to find out more. Suddenly Hera came to see him "Ezra, it's time for mission and we need this." Ezra looked at her for a second "Oh, almost done and done." He let her to use it.

Time skip

After the mission done, Ghost crew gathered at Phoenix Squadron Starship to take break but Ezra busy working with star map from holo-mission table. That was made Kanan wanna found out about him. He came beside him.

"What are you doing ?" He asked and Ezra looked at him "Nothing. Just wanna use this."

"Ezra, I know you doing something that we don't know." Kanan said to him. Ezra looked at him again "I told you I just use this."

"Ezra, we make or doing something, there is a reason and you can't hide it from me."

Ezra took breath and told Kanan what was he doing "Okay, there's a reason." He immediately invited Kanan to his room and took his journal. He opened it and took the picture of the young girl that he found last week in Hondo's ship. Kanan checked out that picture.

"Who is she ?" Kanan asked counfusely.

Ezra holded that picture as he said "This is my sister."

"Wait, since you have sister ?" Kanan asked susprisely. Ezra chuckled "On Lothal, of course. She's older than me. I lost her before my 7th birthday. I wish I can see her again." Then he looked down and sad. Kanan concerned at him, he put his hand on Ezra's shoulder "I think it's time to find out more about her." Ezra looked at him as smiled.

Kanan and Ezra looked some information of Ezra's sister through the holo mission table with star map. Finally they found the same picture with Ezra got. "Now, do you remember we find out about Ryder ?" Kanan asked to Ezra and Ezra still remembered and used the force to find out where she was. At the time, Kanan put his hand on Ezra's shoulder.

Meanwhile, the others came in and saw them using holo mission table. "What are you two doing right now ?" Sabine asked to them. Suddenly Ezra opened his eyes as he found the location of his sister. At the time, they saw the picture of Earth "The Earth.  Why are you wanna looking for that ?" Sabine asked again.

Kanan and Ezra looked at them. Kanan advised Ezra to tell them and Ezra took breath before he told "I'm looking for my sister." Everybody shocked at the time.

"Since you have sister ?" Zeb asked counfusely.

Kanan told him "That was my word, buddy." And Zeb susprised at the time.

Ezra told them that he lost his sister before he lost his parents and he really wanna see her again. "We'll find her, Ezra. Next stop, to the Earth." Hera said and everybody prepared to go there. They went to Earth through the hyperspace.

Few hours later, finally they arrived at Earth. Ezra looked out the window as he touched the window. Ghost ship landed on the field and went out. There so many people watching the stage live. "We better find out what's going on here." Kanan said and they went there.

Arrived there, there was a girl singing a song Wind in My Hair on the stage and everybody loved it. She was familiar to Ezra, he checked with the picture and she was he looking for. "Guys, follow me." He whispered to the others go to back stage.

On backstage, a young girl susprised to see them. "Who are you guys ?" She asked counfusely. Ezra came closer to her "Ellie, I'm Ezra Bridger, your brother." She shocked at the time. She touched Ezra's cheek as she unbelieved what just she saw "Ezra, is really you ?" Ezra immediately nodded and they hugged tight. Kanan and the others smiled at them.

"I can't believe it you found me. I thought I lost you." Ellie smiled at Ezra.

Ezra smiled back "Yeah, thanks for my crew. They helped me to found you."

Then she looked at her brother's crew "Thank you, thank you so much." Kanan said "We glad you two can meet each other again after the long time." Ezra and Ellie looked at them with their smile.


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