I Can't Believe This Will Happen

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Ghost crew arrived on Naboo to doing vacation. They ordered to stay at hotel where they could put their ship. They came out the ship while Rex and Chopper put it in garage.

Zeb smelled the air "Well, here the vacation !"

"Yeah, it's really awsome here. If I can live here any longer." Sabine smiled till they all looked at her and she shocked at the time "What ? I mean I didn't mean to leave you all."

Ezra felt something with the force, Kanan watched out of him "Hey, you okay ?" Kanan asked as put his hand on Ezra's shoulder. Ezra shocked and looked at him "Yeah, I felt something but I hope it won't be bad."

Suddenly a young girl with short black hair, brown skin, and brown eyes came to them smilely. At the time, Ezra was thinking that girl was familiar. He came closer to her "Who are you ?" He asked quietly. "I'm the owner of this hotel." The young girl said. "Where were you came from ?" Ezra asked again.

The girl answerd "I came from Lothal." Ezra shocked at the time.

A young girl took breath and told her feeling "I fell lonely without my old friends, we were always stuck together as a team but I moved here because I didn't have credit. So I have to moved here and made my own business."

Ezra remembered about that moment when he was on Lothal. Ezra told that girl "Nadia, this is Ezra." The girl shocked the time. First she wasn't believe it then Ezra countinued saying "Your best friend on Lothal." Nadia believed it as she said happily "Ezzy !" They hugged so tight to erase their longing.

Everybody were happy that Ezra could met with his best friend again. After Ezra and Nadia hugged, he introduced his crew to Nadia. She waved her hand as she said 'hi !' Hera came next Ezra as she said "I didn't know you have another friend, Ezra. We were shocked." "Yeah, my another friends, Febrian and Rosie have same things."

Ezra shocked at the time "Wait, are they here ?" He asked happily.

Nadia chucked "They're not right now. They will back two days again. You know, they always looking for credits for their starship."

"Oh yeah, I see. Their ship doesn't have weapon yet." Ezra said.

Nadia nodded "Exactly."

Zeb started asking with them "Can we go in ? Because I wanna taking my nap." Nadia forgot at the time "Oh, sorry, big guy. I'll give you all a tour as we go to your all rooms." Nadia gave Ezra and his crew a tour as she showed their own rooms. "Okay, one room for one person. You guys just have one key." She gave all keys for the rest of the crew.

Kanan asked to Nadia "Excuse me, Nadia. Can you give one more key please ? Because there is one more person wanna live here too." Soon after that, Rex and Chopper appeared from the lift. "That guy ?" Nadia pointed to Rex. Kanan nodded "Yep. He is."

Then Ezra came in his room as Nadia followed him behind "Wow, I didn't imaged this room is beautiful !" Nadia smiled as she said thank you. "I can't believe it you live here." Ezra said then Nadia told him "Yeah, I can't believe it you here for your vacation." Ezra chuckled "Yeah, I won on world record competition."

Nadia smiled wider "Congratulation Ezzy." Ezra smiled too.

They took breath slowly and Nadia turned on the music of her phone. Ezra shocked at the time. "Do you remember when we were on Lothal ?" Ezra nodded then they sang a song One Call Away.

After they sang, they laught together as they enjoyed their moment "It's long time we didn't sing together. Hey, you should join the band." Nadia said. Ezra so shocked at the time "Excuse me, the band ?" She nodded "Yes, me, Febrian, and Rosie will make the band after they back. You wanna join, right ?"

Ezra talked haltingly "Yeah, I.... I like to join...it."

Nadia shouted happily "Meet me two days again. At 7 'o clock in music room." Ezra asked counfusely. "Wait, is there music room in this hotel ?" Nadia nodded "Yeah, that's a part of my plan to build this hotel. Okay, see ya !" She left him.

Ezra started worry about that news. He didn't know that he could face it.

To be countinued...


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