Too Many Missions to Finish It

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Ezra, Nadia, and Chopper finally back to hotel and immediately went to library. They worked together to find the magic spells book. 5 minutes later, finally Nadia found the book and found the cure.

"There it is. Now, I have to find the cure of your curse, Ezzy." Nadia said as she looked at the book.

Suddenly they heard something from outside. Chopper checked out and saw through the window that was a big storm coming up. He warned to Ezra and Nadia "What is it Chop ?" Ezra asked. Chopper showed them what happen outside.

They shocked at the time as they saw a storm was beginning "I hope Kanan and the others are okay." Ezra said worrily. Chopper tapped his hand on Ezra's leg and Ezra looked at him "Thanks Chop." He rubbed that droid.

Meanwhile, Kanan, Rex, Sabine, and Zeb were going to the mountain where Kanan thought that Hera was inside of it through the force.

"Zeb, Rex, stay here ! Watch out if there's a problem." Kanan ordered them to stay outside and Rex and Zeb saluted to him. "Come on Sabine. Let's save Hera !" Kanan and Sabine climbed the mountain as they looking for secret door and finally Sabine found it and went in.

Inside the secret base, Kanan looked for Hera through the force while Sabine watched out around this place. Soon after that, Kanan ordered Sabine to opened one of doors and she did it. When they came in, they saw Hera was in jail, she was laying helpless.

Kanan came closer to her as he tried to wake her up after Sabine opened the code of jail. "Hera, wake up. We're for rescue you." But suddenly Hera opened her eyes as she showed Kanan red eyes. They shocked at the time. Hera pulled Kanan's shirt and threw him hard to the wall.

Sabine couldn't believe what just she saw "Hera, it isn't you ! I know you're not easy to take relax but...." Hera cut her word as she attacked Sabine with her blaster. Sabine attacked back as she tried to not hurt Hera but Hera pushed her hard too to the wall. Then here the villain came to them.

"Ah, you two see my assistant doing. I'm Zack Zonic and no one can beat me !" Zack happy evilely.

At outside, Febrian and Rosie were in one of trees to watch out the situation. "Did you see anything ?" Rosie asked to Febrian and he looked at her "No, no yet." Soon after that, Rosie saw something from the mountain "Wait, I see something."

Rosie looked carefully and it turned out it was a big storm coming up to them and they shocked "We better call the others." Febrian advised her and Rosie nodded and called Rex through the com-link "Rex, there is a big storm coming. You have to tell them to stay inside !"

At mountain, Rex got contracted by Rosie that there was a big storm. After that, Rex told Zeb to get inside the mountain while he contracted with Kanan "Kanan, we have a bad news." Kanan was saying "Let me guess, there a big storm outside." Rex nodded "Yeah, that's true." His voice was heard by Sabine.

"What !? So we stuck here !?" She asked to Kanan.

Then they was thinking something and they worried at the time "Wait, Ezra !"

Kanan immediately contracted Ezra to make sure he was okay. At hotel, Ezra got called by Kanan by his west-com "Ezra, do you call me ? Where are you ?" Ezra anwserd him "Don't worry Kanan. I'm in hotel with Nadia and Chopper." Kanan started relax then he told Ezra what was happening. "Listen, there's a big storm coming soon stay inside untill it's done. Do you understand ?" Ezra looked outside as he was worry about Kanan "Are you sure about that ?"

"Don't worry, we're okay now." Kanan lied and turned off his com-link then Sabine talked to Kanan "Yeah, we're not okay." It turned out they were in trap. They watched Zack was doing with Hera. "Now, my dear. Let's see what are you done." Zack ordered Hera and she nodded at him and pushed the button of remote control.

At outside, Febrian and Rosie were hiding on the cave. They started shivering. "I hope they're okay." Rosie said as Febrian put his hand on Rosie's shoulder.

Meanwhile in hotel, finally Nadia found the cure and told Ezra and Chopper but suddenly a big storm broke her hotel and came in to their place. Ezra protected Chopper and Nadia as some big stones came to them. After the accident, it was something different. Ezra used the force to lift stones away from them.

Nadia susprised at the time and she checked to make sure this place was safe "Wow, you're really truly Jedi." Ezra chuckled "Yeah, you're not only one everd said that." She smiled at him. But Ezra's curse was getting worse untill he couldn't stand any longer. "Ezzy " Nadia worried about him and helped him to stand up. Chopper gave the book to Nadia.

"Thank you Chopper." She said to him and she told them "Guys, I found the cure. Let's get it !" And they nodded at her.

To be countinued....


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