Undercover Mission

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On Lothal, Febrian and Rosie met Ezra in Jhothal. They have sneaked around so stromtroopers didn't see them. Arrived the location that Ezra gave, Rosie called quietly "Ezra ? Ezra, we're here."

Suddenly the bounty hunter appeared to them and they shocked. The hunter laught as he took off his helmet and it turned out it was Ezra.

Febrian and Rosie so susprised at the time. "Karabast, Ezra, why are you wearing that ?" Febrian asked shockly.

Ezra chuckled "Sorry guys. I'm doing undercover mission and I need your help." They looked each other. "What are we can help ?" Ezra told the plan as they went to Old Jho's Pit Stop. Arrived there, stromtroopers came in first and confirmed at Old Jho about his drinks.

"Oh my force, we often have lunch there and now it isn't time." Rosie said.

Febrian punched Rosie's shoulder "Focus Rosie."

Ezra gave a signal to go their plan as he worn his helmet and Febrian and Rosie nodded and came in Old Jho's Pit Stop. "Excuse me sir, I don't like to disturb you all but we like this place and we just wanna ordered drinks." Febrian said. He looked at Rosie "Yes, we really need drinks."

One of stromtroopers pushed Febrian and Rosie hard "It's not your business, kid." Suddenly another stromtroopers just hitted by Ezra who was undercover as bounty hunter. "I'm taking this from you, bucket head !" And he took a cargo of drinks.

A stromtrooper started angring at him "Hey, come back here, bounty hunter !"

He immediately chased ezra around Jhothal. Meanwhile Old Jho thanks to Febrian and Rosie for their help and they have to go to helped Ezra.

At outside Ezra still chased by a stromtrooper untill he met with AP-5 and Chopper already prepared for the trap. Ezra jumped first but that trooper didn't. He hit into the cargo and two droids closed it fast.

Ezra smiled at them as he took off his helmet "Good job, you two."

AP-5 saluted to him "Thank you, I told you my plan is the best." He looked at Chopper. Chopper still disagreed with him. "Yes, it is. Did you see it that trooper is in there ?" They argued at the time when Febrian and Rosie met Ezra again.

"Ezra, we so glad you okay. We thought you will captured." Febrian said worrily.

Ezra smiled at them "Well, actually, it's almost my plan."

Febrian and Rosie shocked and looked each other counfusely. Ezra told them that he will be a prisoner to get Kallus out from Empire. "What ? Agent Kallus is Empire side." Febrian said. Then Ezra said "Not anymore. He is Rebel spy now as fulcrum."

Once again, they shocked "Fulcrum !? How could be this happen ?" Rosie asked shockly and counfusely. Ezra could said "It was a long story, I will tell you two later. Right now, I need to find that ship so I can get out from here." Febrian asked "You gonna leave now ?" Ezra nodded at them.

"Yes, I know this is our home but I'll come back here, I promise."

Febrian and Rosie smiled at Ezra as they hugged him. Ezra shocked first but he hugged back. "Take care yourself, Ezra. We'll stay here untill you back." Rosie said. Ezra smiled back then he looked there was imperial transport that he could use it.

Ezra almost forgot estrusted to them to give drinks back to Old Jho and they nodded.

"Come on, Chop, AP-5, we have to go now." He invited droids to imperial transport. Before they left Febrian and Rosie far. Febrian called him "Ezra !" Ezra looked at them "May the force to be with you." Rosie said. Ezra smiled at nodded at them.

After that, Ezra, Chopper, and AP-5 were going to imperial transport to finish their mission.


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