Record Deal

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At Chopper Base, it was day off for Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, Chopper, and Rex. Sabine decided to paint Rex who was still in his postion to painted by her "You doing great, Rex. Your portrait is gonna be perfect." She commend to Rex. "I hope so..." Rex said as he still in his postion to.

Suddenly Ezra came to them as he jumped rope as walking backward. They susprised at the time. "What a susprise ?" Rex talked with Ezra "Yes, I gonna make a record for the whole world. I heard many people made impossible to be possible things." Ezra told Rex. Rex chuckled "Really ? That's impressing."

Then Sabine told them "Can you get out from here, I'm painting Rex for my art collection, please... ?" Before Ezra left, he also told them he'll busy for his record time and he left them as he jumped rope as walking backward. "Okay, it's quiet time to paint...." Sabine didn't finish her word because Zeb and Chopper were arguing loudly.

"CHOPPER !!! COME BACK HERE NOISY DROID !!!" Zeb screamed as he chased Chopper around the base.

Rex and Sabine rolled their eyes as Rex said "This gonna be long day." Sabine agreed with him as she nodded and tried to countinue painting.

An hours later, Sabine almost finished her paint but her paint brush broke "Oh no, I never finished before the time." Then she saw Ezra still walked backward as jumped rope. She really need him right now "Ezra Bridger, I need you, come here !" Soon after that Ezra came to her. "I need you to fix this for me and fill my paint." She asked help to Ezra.

Ezra stopped first as he said "Wait, you wanna me to do this ?"

"I know you're not artist, Ezra. But I'm not ask you to paint." Sabine said.

Then Rex said as he tried to still in his postion "Can you make it fast ? I'm starting tired now."

Sabine was thinking and said to Ezra "You know, you'll great if you jumped rope, walk backward, and help me. This gonna be the best record you ever have." Ezra was thinking that Sabine was right. They shaked hands as he said "Deal." Sabine smiled "Alright, back here 15 minutes again." Ezra nodded as he left to fix Sabine's paint brush.

15 minutes later, Ezra came to Sabine and Rex to give paint brush back to her "Here it is, your paint brush is fixed." But suddenly Zeb and Chopper still argued as the walked to him. "Look out !" Sabine warned Ezra to be careful. Ezra looked at Zeb and Chopper. He fell his rope and jumped higher as he take care of paint brush.

They impressed at the time as Ezra gave paint brush to her. Sabine immediately painted Rex and finally she finished. "Finish. Rex, you can rest now." She told Rex. "Finally." He too tired untill he laying on the ground. They chuckled at the time.

Ezra told Sabine a good news "I just finished my record." He was happy at the time.

"Congratulation." Sabine smiled at him. "Yeah, Congratulation, kid." So did Rex who still laying on the ground.They just smiled each other.


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