Something Crazy Here

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Ezra worked so hard again untill he forgot to have dinner with his old friends, Febrian and Rosie at the restaurant just opened on Garel. He was forced to take stamina pills.

At dinner time, Febrian and Rosie so glad that Ezra could spending time with them but they felt something wrong with him.

"So let's talking about our mission with Empire. So here the plan." Ezra drew it on the table with a chalk that was made Febrian and Rosie counfused "What the mission ?" Febrian asked. Rosie whispered to Febrian "What's he talking about ?"

Suddenly a waiter put all food on their table. At the time, Ezra looked at delicious pizza in front of them "The disc, we have to destroy !" Ezra immediately making mess-up the pizza with two knifes and spreaded few sauces to his friends' faces. Febrian and Rosie looked counfusely each other.

"Okay, something crazy here. Ezra, It isn't disc, it's just a pizza." Rosie said.

But Ezra pointed to her with one of knifes "Stop talking, Governor Pryce !"

Febrian and Rosie looked each other as she said "Who's Governor Pryce ? " Febrian whispered to her "She is governor now on Lothal." Rosie just knew it.

Then Ezra started talking loudly with them "Hey, did you two have own ship ?! How do you know my base !? And who's the guy ?!" Ezra pointed to one of waiters and that was made he counfused at him too. "Did you got credits !? Hey, hey !"

"Alright, that's enough, Ezra. We'll take you back to your crew." Febrian said to Ezra. Ezra made an eye contract with him as he said "Meh !" Rosie said to Ezra "That's not word."
Ezra rolled his eyes "I don't care."

Febrian and Rosie have their own mission, to take Ezra back to Ghost crew with their own ship. At their journey, they got called by Hera but Ezra was making mess with all buttons in cockpit. "Oh no !" Rosie said worrily. "You answer the transmission, I've got this." Febrian said as he tried to avoid Ezra from all buttons.

"Hello Rosie, I heard Ezra joining your dinner." Hera said.

Rosie nodded "Yes, Captain Syndulla but sometimes wrong with Ezra. He is.... starting....crazy. He thinks that he is doing mission with, you know, The Empire."

Hera was thinking about Ezra "Oh, I see and you two are taking home, aren't you ?"

Once again, Rosie nodded "Yes Captain, we're on the way. Rosie out." She turned off the transmission.

Suddenly hyperdrive was broken because Ezra used his lightsaber as his baseball bat. He thought that hyperdrive was an imperial droid. "That's not good." She said. Then the star destroyer appeared. "That's the worst." Febrian said, he immediately took his pilot skills while Rosie watched out Ezra.

Febrian avoided that ship but they couldn't go anywhere because the hyperdrive was broken. Finally the Ghost ship came to help them. Hera and Chopper were working together to get Febrian's ship as they attacked star destroyer. Soon after that, Ghost ship got Febrian's ship and got out through the hyperspace.

At Ghost ship, Febrian and Rosie talked with Hera as they waited Chopper was fixing their hyperdrive.

"Thank you for helped us, Captain Syndulla." Febrian said.

Hera nodded "I'm glad you all safe."

Then Rosie started asking to Hera "So why's Ezra acting strange all day ?"

Hera immediately showed them a bottle of pills. "Pills ?" Febrian said. "Yes, Ezra has this pills since he got a ill. It's stamina pills. It's help Ezra maintain his body power but he drank it too much till he goes crazy." Febrian and Rosie finally understood. "Too much drink pill is not good for health." Hera explained to them. "Speaking about Ezra, where is he ?" Febrian asked.

Suddenly Ezra came in common room as he jumped rope and made some noises that was made them uncomfortable.


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