It's Not Just a Base

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At Chopper Base, usually all phoenix squadrons busy with their works, including Hera, Chopper, Rex and AP-5. It was another busy day. Suddenly they heard a music not far from them.

All phoenixs decided to find out while Rex and AP-5 were lifting the cargo. They two counfused at the time.

"I don't know what's going on here. This is first time I everd seen." AP-5 as said.

Rex nodded at him "Agree, Let's find out what is it." They put the cargo and followed the music.

Meanwhile, Hera and Chopper were checking their preparation then they just realized that wasn't any phoenix around them. "Hmm, that's weird. Where are everybody go ?" Chopper tried to tell her that was music around the base. Hera listened the music.

"You're right, Chop. Let's go if we can find anyone there." Hera and Chopper followed the music.

Finally they found out there was Loth-Star doing perfom in the middle of Chopper Base. "I never thought it'll be like this." Hera said as she couldn't believed what just she saw. It appeared Ezra and his friends, Febrian, Rosie, and Nadia.

They were ready to make some fun. They performed Cheap Thrill on front of many people around them. They played excitely, especially Ezra and Nadia sang together. All phoenixs were happy and joined singing with them.

Including Rex, untill he couldn't stop jumped excitely and happily without he realized he was leaving AP-5 behind. "You should sing with them ! It's so fun !" Rex said to Hera then AP-5 saying "I don't understand what's going on here." Hera told AP-5 that was a little relax time.

After Loth-Star finished their performance, everybody clapped hands for them. Ezra and his friends saluted to them "Thank you, thank you for your attetion. You all can back to work." Ezra shouted at them.

When they came down from the stage, Ezra tapped his hand on Nadia's shoulder "Hey Nadia, thanks for visit my base."

Nadia smiled at him "No problem Ezzy. Febrian and Rosie took me here so we can meet again."

"That's great but how about your hotel ?" He asked worrily.

Nadia chuckled "Don't worry, my hotel is close for a while so I can spend time with you here. We'll have some fun." She invited Ezra to jumped together and smiled each other.

Then Ezra and Nadia met with Hera. "Nadia, I was susprised you here. Welcome to Chopper Base !" Hera saluted Nadia friendly. Nadia smiled at her "Thank you, Captain Syndulla." Then Hera started asking "Why were you guys performance here ?"

Esra explained to Hera "Because we wanna show everybody this isn't just a base. We can many activities here. Like concert, picnic, or camping. Do you remember when your ship was power failure ?" Hera remembered as she nodded.

"Yes, I remember that. Next time, ask me before you use work time for your performance." She warned to them.

Ezra and Nadia nodded "Don't worry, we will." Nadia said.

Then Ezra has an idea "Hey, why don't we sleep here tonight ?" Nadia shocked happily "That's a great idea ! Let's find what are we need !" And they splited up to find some stuffs.

Hera smiled at them then she back work with Chopper.


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