Keep Dancing

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Ezra was just starting his mission when he saw Zeb and Sabine were sneaking something. He wanna found out what was happen. "Hey, what's going on here ?" Sabine told him to be quiet and watched Kanan and Hera were doing.

Meanwhile, Hera talked with Kanan "Alright, this's how to make me relax when I stressed out, we gonna dance." Kanan shocked at the time. "Hera, I don't know how to dance." Hera smiled as she tapped Kanan's shoulder "Don't worry dear, I'll show you."

Hera ordered Chopper to turn on the music and here the music go. Hera taught Kanan how to dance as she sang a song Can I Have This Dance. First, Kanan was nervous to do it but soon after that, he could do it as he sang with her.

Ezra and the others enjoyed watching them as they also enjoyed that music

"I don't know they can dance." Sabine said.

Ezra agreed with her "Yeah, this is the first time." Zeb nodded at him.

Kanan and Hera were dancing better as they finished singing. At they danced Kanan lifted Hera up a few times. After they sang, Kanan tried to kiss her but they felt that someone or something was watching them.

When they saw few cargos, they didn't see anything then they immediately left that place while Sabine checked the situation to made sure they won't see them "Uh, that was close one." She said. "Yeah, they danced great. They should keep dance at party." Ezra advised. "Great idea Ezra." Sabine said as Zeb agreed again with him.

At night, Hera saw the light through the window of Ghost ship. She decided to find out as Kanan came out from his room "What are you doing now ?" He asked to Hera. "I saw something outside." "We better find out." Kanan said and then they countinued find out together.

At Chopper Base, they found a lot of light was shaped like a heart, they susprised at the time. Then the music appeared.

"I don't know who was making this but this is perfect." Hera smiled.

Then Kanan said "For us, do you want to dance with me ?" He asked smiling.

Hera holded Kanan's hand as she answerd yes. After that, they danced in front of the light heart. They enjoyed dancing together.

Meanwhile, Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and Chopper watched them dancing. "We did it. We're a great team." Ezra said. Sabine put her hand on Ezra's shoulder "Sure, we are. And they're perfect as lover." Then Zeb said "Well, it's time to sleep." He immediately left them."Wait Zeb, where are you thinking you going ?!" Ezra said as Sabine rolled her eyes.

She pulled Ezra's shoulder to her "Let him go, Ezra. We don't wanna miss this." And Ezra agreed with her and countinued watching Kanan and Hera dancing.


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