Band Group

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Two days later, Kanan and Ezra were going to music room as Nadia showed them yesterday. When they came in, the room was filled many music instrumentals and Febrian, Rosie, and Nadia were there first. "Ezra !" Febrian and Rosie called Ezra happily and they hugged him.

Nadia put her hand on Ezra's shoulder "How are you feeling now ?" Ezra nodded "I'm okay now. Thanks." She smiled at the time. Then she looked at Kanan "Master Kanan, what are you doing here ?" "I'm here for in case, if you need an advise. I wanna this activity going well." Ezra smiled at Kanan.

"Alright everybody, take your seat." Nadia ordered them.

And everybody sat on the sofa as Nadia talked about the meeting.

"I was thinking that when we were liitle and on Lothal, of course. We really love music and we have different talents but in music. That's make us special."

Ezra, Febrian, and Rosie smiled each other as Kanan asked at Nadia "So what's the plan ? Every mission or meeting need a plan." Nadia said "First, we find our music talent that we got here. Find your own instrumental." And the terms nodded and immediately found their own instrumental.

Febrian choosed drum band while Rosie choosed keyboard and Ezra choosed electrical guitar. After that, Nadia came with her tambourine.

"Okay everybody, next we gonna figure how you can play it." Nadia said. Everybody were trying their instrumentals one by one. At the time, Kanan watched out them as he sat on the sofa.

They played very well and made Nadia danced with her tambourine "Great, you guys choosed right instrumental. Now, we have the name of our band. Any ideas ?" Everybody were thinking about the name untill Kanan have an idea "You guys born on Lothal, right ?" He asked them to make sure and everybody nodded.

"How about we called 'Loth Star' ?" Kanan told them.

Everybody were shocked and thinking first. Then they agreed with Kanan "Yeah, I think it's perfect. Thank you Master Kanan." Nadia said to him and he nodded. After that, they started choosing few songs to perform. Nadia checked her phone some songs.

"Okay, we ready for fun ! One, two, three, play !" Nadia shouted as she gave them a signature and everybody made the music and Kanan enjoyed that but soon after that, Ezra was nervous that he gonna sing. He immediately ran away from that room and everybody realized that he was gone.

"Ezra, where are you going !?" Nadia shouted at him but he didn't listen it. Kanan started worry and put his hand on Nadia's shoulder "I'll talk with him." Kanan looked for Ezra.

Finally Kanan found Ezra in Ezra's room. Ezra hid in the blanket. Kanan rolled his eyes as he said "Ezra, I know you hiding there. Come out. It's just me." Ezra came out from his hiding place and immediately hugged Kanan tight. Kanan shocked at the time as he hugged back "Woah, what's going on ?" After they hugged, Ezra took breath and told Kanan.

"I'm not sure I join the band." Ezra said sadly.

Kanan shocked "Why not ? Everybody like you sing and play guitar ?"

Ezra looked at Kanan "Because it happen since I was on Lothal. I tried to sing in front of many people. First, it was perfect but suddenly there was another band who wanna destroyed my talent and...I got a scar at the time." Ezra showed Kanan his scar on his hand. "That was made me afraid and I never sing again untill you, Rex, and Sabine found out." After that, Ezra looked down and crying.

Kanan felt sad for Ezra, he rubbed Ezra's back as he calmed him down "It's okay Ezra, everything will be okay. You have to stay strong to face your fear because everybody need you, including me." Ezra stopped crying and smiled at Kanan.

"Thank you Kanan." Ezra said.

Kanan put his hand on Ezra's shoulder "You welcome Ezra. We should back to music room. Your friends are waiting for you."

And they went back to music room but they didn't know that was a bird who spied on them.

To be countinued...


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