A Journal

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Before Ezra slept, he usually wrote his experiences in his journal. His journal was dark blue book. The first page was the picture of he and his parents when he was little. It's written Bridger Journal, By : Ezra Bridger.

Ezra smiled at the time and countinued writing. Suddenly he heard that Zeb was coming. He hid under the bed and pretending to sleep. While Zeb didn't exactly what was Ezra doing. He just slept the bottom of the bed.

Tomorrow morning, Ezra and his crew have breakfast before they doing their mission. Suddenly AP-5 came and asked them "Excuse me, I'm sorry disturb your time but is anyone know who's it ?" AP-5 showed them a mandalore helmet. Sabine immediately shocked and took her helmet "Hey, that's my helmet. How could be to you ? I lost it last night."

Everybody were counfusing at the time, except Ezra. He started remembering at the situation.


Ezra sneaked to borrow Sabine's helmet from her room without she know it. Also he took some stuffs from another room. He used to make a susprise for his crew. He made it last night.

End of Flashback.....

"Well, I don't know how but at least you found it. Thank you AP-5." Sabine said to AP-5.

AP-5 saluted to her "With my pleasure. Now excuse me, I have to find my stuffs. It also missing last night." Then he left them and made everybody more counfused.

Time Skip

After they finished their mission, Sabine took a walk with Chopper in Phoenix Squadron Starship as she looking for Ezra. "Where's Ezra now ? We still talk about the mission." Chopper made a loud voices as he agreed with her.

Then they heard something from another room. They walked and opened the door slowly. They so shocked what just they saw.

"Susprise and...." Ezra threw bowing ball and he won "Strike...!" He said excitely.

Sabine asked counfusely "Did you built this ?" As Chopper stop made noises and fell down.

Ezra looked at Sabine as he nodded "Yes, I made this for you and our crew. I called bowing room." Sabine impressed at the time "So no wonder why today is strange. Oneore question, why did you took my helmet ?" Ezra said "Proctecting my eyes." Sabine just smiled as rolled her eyes.

"You wanna in ?" Ezra asked as he gave a bowing ball to Sabine. Sabine still smiled at Ezra "I thought you never asked." She showed Ezra to make a score and she got 3 pins. Ezra impressed at her "Not bad." Then Kanan and Rex entered in that room "What the....?" Rex asked counfusely. Kanan and Rex shocked what just happen.

Ezra and Sabine invited them to play bowing then Hera, Zeb, and AP-5 entered, they so susprised at the time and immediately played with the others. They have a great time. While they played, Ezra wrote his another experience on his journal.

He remembered how much he spent time with his parents but he also enjoyed spent time with his crew as his new family.


Ezra's Journey LifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang