A Day to Remember

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On Lothal, Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper were preparing for leave after they finished mission. At the time, Ezra felt something when he saw the sky. He decided to go somewhere with the speeder bike.

While Kanan just saw Ezra was gone. He decided to follow him "Chopper, stay here. Make sure Phantom is ready when we back." Chopper nodded as he saluted to Kanan. Kanan went riding speeder bike.

Arrived at Capital City, Kanan followed Ezra was buying meilooruns. Kanan wanna found out what was he doing. Suddenly he heard a liitle girl was in trouble with stromtroopers.

"Hey, you break this rules !" One of stromtroopers said to that girl.

That girl so scared, she could said "I need some food."

But another stromtrooper hitted her hard. Soon after that, they shooted by Ezra using his blaster. That girl susprised at the time "Ezra !" She immediately hugged Ezra so tight and Ezra hugged back "Are you alright ?" He put his hands on that girl's shoulder. She nodded at him.

Ezra gave a meiloorun to her "Here, this is for you." That girl smiled "Thank you." At the time, Kanan smiled at them but suddenly another stromtroopers came to them. That girl was shocked "Don't worry Rai, I've got this." Ezra shooted all stromtroopers as they ran away from them.

They jumped to built by built fast while stromtroopers chased them from the ground. Ezra and Rai stopped dead walk and they started worry they can't go anywhere. Kanan was chasing them and saw Ezra and that girl were in trouble.

He used the force to fall a big cargo to distract stromtroopers and he did it. Ezra and Rai were shocked at the time but they glad they were safe. "That was close one." Ezra whispered to Rai. Suddenly Kanan came from the top and came to them.

"Kanan ? What are you doing here ?" Ezra shocked at the time.

Kanan said "I was asking for same thing."

Ezra took breath and told Kanan that he went to Capital City for helped Rai. She was in trouble and he tried to help him. Then he apologized "I'm sorry I didn't tell you first." Kanan smiled as he put his hand on Ezra's shoulder "It's okay. I'm glad you safe."

"Come on, we have to take that girl back to home." Kanan said and they took Rai to her house. Arrived at Rai's house, her uncle, Noval was worried about her niece. Rai immediately hugged her uncle so tight as Noval lifted her up "Thank you for take care of my niece."

Kanan and Ezra nodded at them "You welcome." Kanan said. Before they go, Rai hugged Ezra as Ezra said "We'll meet each other again, I promise." At the moment, Kanan was touched at them. After that, Rai and her uncle waved to them as Kanan and Ezra smiled at them.


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