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I'm not sorry about this one.

Mason froze as he heard a thump from the other room, then a loud scream. He jumped up from next to his computer, not caring about his sketch anymore.

"Baby?" he stepped in, just to find Scott curled up on the floor. "What happened, Princess?" he rushed next to the blonde.

"No" he sobbed and hit his head against the floor. The other man gasped at his sudden outburst but took him in his arms quickly. "No! Let me go!"


"Let me go" he shouted and pushed on Mason's chest but his grip was strong.

"Look at me" he ordered and held his arms against his own chest. He didn't miss as the boy winced when he touched his right hand but didn't care about it. "You know that I'm strong enough to force you, Scott, so don't test me! Look at me!"

The blonde kept sobbing but obeyed as his teary blue eyes met Mason's green ones.

"Talk to me, love! Please" the older said and for a minute he looked just as broken as Scott felt.

"I-I fucked up!" he cried. "I l-lost the-them for g-good!"

"Who? What's going on, baby?"

"I c-can't!"

Mason took a deep breath to hold back his tears and gently walked Scott to the couch. He sat down and placed the boy on his lap. He curled up again, clinging to Mace's shirt.

"Breathe, Scotty! Breathe with me!"

"So-sorry! I'm s-so so-sorry!"

"I'm here, baby. We'll figure it out" Mason whispered, though he wished Mark was home too. He knew Scotty was painfully close to a panic attack and he couldn't remember how to deal with it. He felt his own level of nerves rise in his chest.

"N-no! I fu-fucked up!"

"Scott! Stop it! I'm here and Marky will be here too very soon. You have us but you have to tell me wha-"

"Scotty, where are you?" Mark shouted, blasting through the front door. Scott whimpered at his tone and Mason immediately understood that the brunette knew what was happening.

Mark ran to them and kneeled down, his hands on the blonde's thighs.

"It's not true, baby! You are okay!"

"For fuck's sake! Would someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Mason snapped and Mark looked up at him with sad eyes.

"The fans found out that Scotty's following someone who's raped a woman on Twitter. The woman is Ke$ha and since Superfruit is having concerts with her, the fans are freaking out and calling him names. Before that they did some research about Kim and now they are mad at Scott for being friends with her too" he summed up quickly and Mason's face darkened. He growled deeply and though Scott was holding onto him, he lifted the boy. "Mace" the brunette tried but all he got was a glare.


"He's asleep but he thinks you're mad at him" Mark stated as he walked into their bedroom. "He also might have broken his fingers."

Mason just sighed and leaned back against the headboard.

"What have you been doing?"

The older man pointed at his phone on the bed and Mark unlocked it. Twitter was opened and he saw the thousands of notifications. He clicked on Mason's profile and was quick to found what he was looking for.

Scott Richard Hoying is the best man in the world. I know all his secrets, all his flaws and am still sure about it. I love you and I'm thankful for your support toward my boys and our relationship but at this point I got enough.
Scott is a grown man with feelings, the right to make his own decisions and eyes. He sees what you say, not only when you send him love.
Maybe the problem is with me but I don't understand you. You call him an angel and the perfect person but as soon as he makes a mistake, you hate on him. That's not how love works!
You can say whatever you want about me after this but I want you to know that right now the love of my life is curled up in the arms of the other love of my life, having a panic attack, crying his eyes out. And you caused it. Not his "mistake". After a mistake people don't scream and punch things and freak out this much. He did.
I ask you to stop tweeting him about this subject or if you can't, unfollow him, Mark and me. We don't need this kind of "love".

"He'll be angry" Mark said quietly after reading Mason's letter.

"I am angry" the blonde mumbled, causing the other man to sigh. He climbed into bed and sat between Mason's legs. "He doesn't deserve it, Mark! Even if what he did was wrong, he's only human! Why they have to say things like I can't love him like this anymore?"

"I don't know..."

"I am so angry" Mason whispered and put his forehead against Mark's head. "I want to protect him from everything but if the ones who love him, do things like this, how could I make sure he's happy all the time?"

"First of all, you can't protect him from everything. I know you want to and that's your first instinct but you can't. What you can do, is support him in times like this."

This time Mason sighed and closed his eyes. His head was already throbbing but he hadn't even faced with Scotty's damn good heart. He knew that the blonde would hate the way he worded his thoughts.

"What's now?" he asked quietly.

"Now we wait until he wakes up then take him to the hospital. I'm sure his hand is broken. After that... after that we'll see how he is. If he's ready to face the fans, we'll support him and if he's not-"

"Then we'll take the first plane and go, visit Connie and Rick. They said they miss us."

"Tour starts in two weeks" Mark turned a little in Mason's arms but he just shrugged.

"Tour is for fans. Fans, who caused this shit."

"Don't hate all of them! Please!"

"I don't hate them. I'm just protective and want my boys to be safe and happy. Without panic attacks, broken bones and screaming."

Mark just shook his head and leaned back against Mason's chest. He knew he couldn't convince his boyfriend. Some people stepped through a line and he wasn't as forgiving as the other two when it came to things like this.

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