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We'd moved all the guests to the tents we'd prepared incase it rained. After trying several times, I still couldn't get through to Kit's phone. Eventually, I gave up on hiding my worry.

"Ai'Ming, still can't get through to Kitty?" P'Beam walked over and stood next to me. I was keeping watch on the porch, waiting for Kit's car to drive through the gates. The guests may soon start mumbling about the delay, but I didn't care about that. All I wanted was to see my Kit drive into the compound.

"Not yet." I replied curtly without taking my eyes off the gates.

"Do you want me to try calling his phone too?" P'Pha pulled his phone out and punched some numbers in.

"You can try but I don't think that will help. The weather is probably disrupting the phone connections." My reply didn't keep them from trying and they paced around nearly as frantically as I, only making me more nervous. Kit was only about ten minutes late, but it was enough to get me worried.

"Maybe he decided he didn't want to marry you and run away." I don't know why P'Beam thought that was the right time to make a joke. "Ai'Ming relax, I'm sure he'll be here soon." After his badly timed joke, he tried to make me feel at ease by saying that. It didn't work because now I was wondering if it was possible Kit run away. I racked my brain, trying to remember if he said or did anything that would indicate he'd had second thoughts about marrying me, but I couldn't think of anything. Except he hadn't been sleeping well lately but I've been going through that too and I know those were just wedding jitters, nothing more.

I couldn't stand it anymore when Kit hadn't showed up after another ten minutes had passed. I didn't bother answering when P'Beam and P'Pha wanted to know what I was thinking when I run through the rain to my car. I knew which way Kit was driving, so I drove slow enough that I wouldn't miss his car if he drove past but fast enough that I'd be able to meet up with him soon.

I got caught in a traffic jam just about four blocks away and being as impatient as I was, I stepped out of my car without an umbrella, trying to see what was causing the hold up. Only then did I notice that there weren't any cars coming from the other side of the road, which had me worrying even more. What if an accident had occurred up ahead? And what would I do if Kit had gotten caught in the accident? But I shouldn't think such thoughts, today is supposed to be our happy day.

With my head down, I brazed against the wind. If I can't drive, then I will walk. I don't care how far it might be, as long as I can find my love, I will walk. The rain beat down on me, causing my clothes to cling to my skin. My shoes squished with every step I took. My love, where are you? The wind cruelly slowed me down, blinding me but I fought on, taking one step at a time.

"Where are you going?" I stopped at the sound of the voice. At first I thought it might just be the wind whistling into my ears untill I looked up to see an umbrella over my head. "Why are you walking in the rain? And aren't you going in the wrong direction? Or are you running away?" That beautiful voice, that beautiful face. It's only been about forty minutes since I last heard that voice, but it felt like eternity. It's been less than a day since I last saw that face, but it seemed like forever ago. I held his face in my hands and touched my lips to his. "Hey, you're making my clothes wet." He complained when I pulled his body against mine.

"Where is your car?" When I finally found my voice after all my fears and worries had been allayed, I looked into his beautiful eyes.

"I abandoned it. The road is blocked and I didn't want to miss my own wedding." His smile brought warmth to my nearly frozen heart.

"And your phone? I couldn't get through to you?"

"It fell and broke in my rush to get to you." I touched my lips to his again before speaking.

"I was so worried."

"Is that why you're walking in the rain without an umbrella?"


"Are you that eager to be tied to me?"

"Yes. I am that eager to become one with you."

"We are one even without the ceremony. Our hearts beat as one, we share our fears, our worries and our joy."

How could I have missed that? I've been impatient about wanting to marry him, thinking that he isn't truly mine until we've officially tied the knot. But seeing him trying to make it to our wedding had me mentally slapping myself. We've shared a lot of things and more since we've been together. Even without the ceremony, he is mine and I, his. We are one.

Together we drove back to my parents house in my car and without bothering to change out of our wet clothes, we pledged our love for each other in front of our friends and families. Our groomsmen had to step in when we wouldn't break our kiss. I couldn't hide my elation when we lifted our just married flag amidst applause. I had him under my watchful eyes all through the after party. I pulled my other half in for another kiss at the end of it all before we raced into the waiting car and drove toward our bliss.

Another a/n: this is where I originally ended it, hence the title, but now it doesn't seem enough.

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