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One more week and I get two weeks off school. This is so exciting. Grandma hasn't been feeling too well lately. I get to see her, P'Kieng's twins, and the rest of my family after not seeing them for so long and as a bonus, I get two weeks away from my clingy boyfriend. Now, half the stuff in my room are his, I might as well call it our room. Same thing with his room, half the stuff in there are mine. The only thing we move around now are our books.

These past two weeks, Ming and I have both been busy with exams. We did not even have time to have meals together. He's usually sleeping by the time I walk into the room after my long sessions of studying, but for the past two days or so, he hasn't slept in my room at all. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he has matured and is giving me space to study without my having to ask.

But because I know better, I've been worried. He replies to my texts, but he doesn't answer when I call. He doesn't call me either, he just sends a text a few minutes after my call drops.

He wasn't in my room when I walked in Friday at nearly eleven p.m. I came back earlier than usual hoping that he and I could talk about our day or something before bed. I dialed his number, no answer. I waited a few minutes, no texts.

I couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed my backpack which I'd left by the door and drove to his dorm. I flicked the lights on when I walked into his room. He was fast asleep in his bed. I gave a relieved sigh before changing into my pajamas and joining him in bed after turning the lights off. Who was it that said he wanted to be with me every day? And yet here he is, sleeping alone, idiot Ming.

His body felt a little too warm when I snuggled into him. I relaxed even more when he threw his hand and leg over my body. He should enjoy it while it lasts because he won't get to sleep with me for about two weeks starting next weekend.

I slept in because it was a Saturday. Ming was still sleeping when I woke up. On the weekends, he usually wakes up before I do.

I'm hungry, I don't remember if I ate dinner last night. My stomach grumbled constantly while I brushed my teeth. I went out and got us breakfast. One of us needs to learn how to cook so on days like these, when I don't want to go out, we can eat some home-made food. I won't be the one learning though, I already have a lot on my plate as it is. Ming was lying awake in bed when I walked into the room.

"Hey, go brush your teeth so we can eat this before it gets cold." Is what I said to him when I walked in and saw that he was awake.

"Kit, did you sleep here last night?" His voice was a little scratchy.

"Yes. What's wrong with you? Why does your voice sound like that?"

"I have a cold and a light fever."

"Is that why I haven't seen you for the last few days? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to catch my cold."

"Are you stupid? How can you take care of yourself if you're not well? You should have told me."

"It'll affect your exam if you catch it. I don't want that."

I sat next to him and placed my forehead against his. His temperature was not too hot.

"Have you had any medicine? How have you been writing you exams?"

I brushed his disheveled hair out of his face and took a closer look at him. He didn't look too pale.

"Are you worried about me?" Does he even need to ask?

"Can't I be? What medicine have you taken? When was the last time you ate?"

"Don't worry Kit, I took care of myself, and my body is not as hot as it was yesterday. If I sleep a little more, I'll be fine."

"Get up. Let's go brush your teeth so you can eat something."

I helped him sit, then I pulled him till he stood up and helped him to the bathroom, not that he needed my help. I squeezed a dollop of toothpaste onto his brush and handed it to him. He smiled at me and slowly brushed his teeth.

I held a spoonful of porridge to his lips when we sat down for breakfast. He chuckled a little before opening his mouth. I made sure he ate everything, then I fed him some medicine and tucked him into bed.


A/N: In ChinitoBlanco's English translation of 2 moons, he referred to Kit's brother as Hear Kieng and explained that Hear means P'. I'll be referring to Kit's big brother as P'Kieng.

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