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"Sweetie, are you getting ready to leave?"

"Hey Ming, sorry but I won't be coming to the city this weekend."

"Again?" I had to take the phone off my ear because he'd shouted.

"Yeah, the Doctor scheduled to work this weekend had to go to his hometown due to a family emergency."

"Argh Kit, are you sure that Doctor didn't lie to you?"

"Why would he lie about a death in his family?" Sometimes I don't get how he can be so pessimistic.

"Are you asking because you don't know or are you pretending to be naïve?"

"Stop talking nonsense. He brought proof."

"So? Proof can be made up too."

"If you're going to keep being like this I'm hanging up."

"Wait wait, I'm sorry, but I still don't trust that Doctor."

"You don't even know him."

"I don't need to. They're clearly taking advantage of you. Didn't you have to cover for the same person last time?"

"Is this what you want to spend our limited time on the phone talking about?"

"So you're really not coming?"

"That's right." He let out a long loud breath of defeat before answering.

"All the plans I made... ruined."

"What plans did you make?"

"I made a reservation at a restaurant I think you'll like..." he lowered his voice "...also, I bought these really nice handcuffs and a new sex toy, you'll love them."

"Mingkwan, stop being stupid." I looked around to make sure no one was close enough to see the embarrassing blush on my face.

"You're definitely moving back next week though, right?"


"And that job you were talking about?"

"Everything is set. I got a call yesterday from the Director of that hospital. He wanted to confirm that I'll be starting on the appointed day."

"Okay, that's great. Have you packed your stuff yet?"

"It's still a little too early for that."

"It's not too early Kit. Start packing so you don't forget anything. Will your stuff fit in your car? Or do you need to rent a moving truck?"

"The stuff should fit in my car. The furniture belongs to the hostel, so I can't bring those along. It'll just be my clothes and some other small things."

"If I can get some time away from work, I'll come help you. It's next Saturday, right?"

"Yes, it's Saturday and you don't have to come." It'll be such a waste if he does.

"Kit, you're being heartless again. I miss you na, what's wrong with wanting to use this as an opportunity to see you?"

"Uh, whatever."

"What? You're not going to say you miss me too."

"I don't need to. I'll see you next weekend."

"P'Kit are going to be like this?"

"Like what? Aren't we going to see each other next weekend?"

"True, but you can at least tell me you miss me. It'll help me get through my lonely week."

"I don't want to." He sighed.

"Then say you love me."


"Aish, Kiiitt."

"I'm hanging up. Bye."

"Hey, wait, we're still talking."

"My break is over. I have to get back to work."

"What time would you be able to talk again?"

"Probably at night. I'll call you when I have time." I wonder why he's even asking. He's always texting me, even when I don't reply he still texts, so we're always in touch.



"Aren't you going to say it?"

"I...throw that stuff you bought out before next weekend, bye."

I hang up before he could come up with something to waste my time. It's been about six years since we started dating and he's still a sappy idiot. He hasn't matured at all even though he's been working at his dad's company for two years. You'd think graduating from the university and joining the workforce would help him grow up.

I made my way into the small building which is the clinic I've been working at for the last three years.

"Dr. Kit are you coming back from lunch?" A parent of one of my patients stopped to talk to me.

"Ah yes, Khun Flan." I waiid in greeting at the older woman. "How is the little beast doing?" I asked about her ten-year-old son whom I recently treated for a broken arm after he fell off a tree. The boy is very energetic.

"Causing trouble as usual. Monmon wants you to come over for dinner tonight." She spoke of her mum. That old lady has been trying to set me up with her niece who is about five years older than me.


"You know she'll be knocking on your door if you don't show up. If you're worried about Lin, she won't be there." She saw right through my hesitation. Thank goodness I didn't have to lie to get out of it.

"Okay then. If I don't have any emergencies, I'll come." I have nothing going on anyway and it's free food.

That's one benefit about working in a small town. I've hardly spent my measly allowance on food because the grandmothers and mothers feed me.

The bad thing about it though, is that Monmon is not the only one trying to set me up with a girl. I can't tell you how many times I've had to fake having a lot of work to do, to escape the very persistent matchmakers. I've also told them repeatedly that I already have someone. I even introduced Ming to one of the grandmothers as my lover while he was visiting one weekend. She laughed, patted me on the back and walked away. I still don't know if she believed me or understood me.

So far, my work here has been enjoyable. I think the kids who visit the hospital like me. I will miss this place, but I want to go home. I miss my family, my friends, and while it might not seem like it, I miss my stupid boyfriend. I tried to go back to the city at least once a month and when I couldn't, Ming would come over. But except for the few times we did video calls, I haven't seen him in a little over two months. I miss his idiotic face, his insistent ways and his...touch. 

Every time he's been here we mostly end up just staying in the room the whole time. What am I thinking? My face is heating up. Ugh, I shouldn't be thinking about this, I need to get back to work. Anyway, my point is I want to see and maybe touch his stupid face. My three-year mandatory national service will end next week. I can go home, and I look forward to the new hospital and to getting a proper paycheck.

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