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By the weekend my legs were completely healed, and I was ready to go to the gym again.

"Kit, you don't need to go to the gym today." I was sitting on Ming's lap-at his insistence- trying to eat breakfast. His hands were underneath my shirt, groping me. "After this weekend I'll be busy, even on the weekends, so I'm not letting you out of this room today."

My horny boyfriend pushed my breakfast aside. Within minutes, our clothes were strewn all over the floor. We almost fell off the chair, the table shook, we left the shower running too long, the bed rattled- so hard, so many times I thought it'll break- and the sheets were so rumpled, you'd think a storm happened on the bed. With these came moans, pants, groans, grunts...smacks and screams. We fell back on the bed panting. It was all we could do to leave the room during dinner time to get food.

After enduring a Ming marathon nearly all day Saturday, I slept till after noon Sunday. Even then, I still couldn't find the strength to get out of bed or to resist him when he trailed kisses down my back that night.

I talked Ming into going to the gym with me the following weekend. I didn't over do it, even if I did, Ming was there to drive me home. Kas walked in to the locker room while I was changing out of my wet sleeveless t shirt, and idiot Ming wrapped his hands around me, not wanting my naked flesh exposed to the other man- as if Kas would care about seeing another man naked. He wouldn't, would he?

I pushed Ming off of me, wanting to put on my unused shirt. He relented and resigned to being a human curtain; spreading his arms and legs, he shielded me from view with his body.

"Ummm...should I not be here?" Kas cast an uncertain look at us.

"Don't pay attention to this idiot. Aren't you a little late today?" I finally pulled my shirt over my head and nudged Ming out of my way.

"A little. You two seem pretty close. Have you known each other long?" Kas' eyes flicked from Ming's face to mine but it was Ming who answered.

"Very long." Ming glared at him and placing his hands on my shoulders, he pushed me toward the exit.

"Enjoy your workout." I said to Kas as I walked past him.

"Ming, I told you to watch your attitude if we run into him at the gym and you were still being rude." I turned to him as I strapped my seat belt on.

"I don't like him." Was his childish response.

"What did he do to you? You don't even know him." I watched as he put the car in reverse.

"I don't need to know him. I just don't want him to be friendly with you."

"What's wrong with him wanting to be friendly with me? He said he just moved here and doesn't know anyone."

"I don't care that he doesn't know anyone, but does it have to be you? There are loads of other people at the gym he can become friends with. Kit, listen to me, ignore him when he tries to be nice to you."

"I can't. He and I will be spending about three hours in the same room together every week day."

"Why did you have to say it like that? You're making it sound like it'll be just the two of you in the classroom. Are you trying to make my heart bleed?"

"Is your heart that weak? That it'll bleed over someone who isn't interested in me like that?"

"That's how much I love you. For you, my heart would bleed over anything." Stupid. I rubbed my cheeks and hid a smile behind a yawn.

"But seriously, Ming, if nothing at all, respect him for being older than us."

"He still has to earn most, if not all, of my respect."

Ming drove us to his dorm where I not only spent the night but ended up staying all week. I guess having nearly half my stuff in his room wasn't a bad idea after all.

I hardly saw him after that. There was always something going on. He had to mentor the new moons and stars until the competition was over. He'd also taken up more courses this year because, according to him, he wanted to have fewer courses next year, so he could spend as much time as possible with me during my fourth and final year at the university. To top it off, he was in training as a hazer and also had to attend all the first-year gatherings to observe Forth's group in action. 

All these and the other petty projects he was asked to do just because he is a moon kept him looking like a raccoon. I hate how well he pulled raccoon like eyes off though. I had my own load of work which kept me from missing him much, but I worried about his health.

I ran into Kas at the gym the next weekend.

"Hey, where's the idiot who's always with you?" Kas stepped onto the treadmill to my right as he spoke. "What's that look on your face? Did I say something wrong?"

"...Did you just call him an idiot?"

"Can't I? I've heard you call him that a few times."

"Yeah, it's different with me."

"How so?"

"He is my idiot. Only I can call him that." I hope he understood what I was saying because I don't know if I can say it again.

"Oh? Are you two dating?"


"I suspected as much. The way you look at him. He seems super possessive and jealous, how do you deal with that?"

"He never takes it too far, so I'm okay with it." I couldn't help but admire myself. I was jogging and talking. Hopefully now that Kas knows, Ming's mind will be at ease when we're not together. Especially since Ming can't be with me every time I run into Kas outside of the classroom.

"I feel like he totally dislikes me though."

"He's just worried that you had an ulterior motive for being nice to me that time. But you don't, right?"

"...who knows..." He sped up his treadmill and stuffed a pair of earphones in his ears.


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