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Ming threw the gym bag he'd collected from me earlier on the floor and gently lowered me to my feet. I smacked his shoulder, but he didn't flinch or complain like usual. Is he still mad? I looked up at his face, and yes, he was sulking.

"Are you still mad?"


Without saying a word, he pulled my shirt over my head. I grasped his hands when he undid the tie of my workout shorts and slipped his hands into the waist band.

"What are you doing?"


He forced them down my legs, taking my underwear with them. Did he not notice where his face was? He was squatting in front of me, waiting for me to lift my legs so he could pull my shorts and underwear off. I dug my nails into his shoulders and with great effort, painfully lifted my feet, one at a time.

He guided me into the bathroom after he'd taken his own clothes off. Where's my talkative and teasing boyfriend? He gently washed me. By the time we stepped out of the bathroom, the stiffness in my legs had eased a bit and Ming had still not said a word.

I tried to get my pajamas out of the closet, but Ming wordlessly stopped me by gently nudging me toward the bed. I lay myself down onto the bed and gently straightened my legs. He massaged my legs with pain relief ointment. The stiffness in my legs was almost completely gone when he finally pulled his adept fingers away. Despite the throbbing, the icy feel of the ointment and the gentle way Ming had massaged my legs had me so relaxed I was very nearly dozing off.

"I'll be back." He was out the door before my hazy brain registered what he'd said. He'll be back? Where is he going? I was too tired, and with my body as relaxed as it was, I could hardly lift a finger. I couldn't go after him.

I flicked my eyes open when I felt myself being lifted by the shoulders into a sitting position.

"Ming, where did you go?" I asked him after I'd registered it was him.

"Eat." He lifted a spoonful of fried noodles to my mouth without answering my question. Mum made this food, so I know he didn't go get food. He stretched the plate out of my reach when I tried to take the plate and feed myself. It's my legs, not my arms, for goodness sake. I frowned at him but did not resist when he lifted the noodle filled spoon to my mouth again.

"Are you still mad?" I pushed his hand away when I couldn't eat anymore. "I'm sorry I got in a stranger's car, okay? But I wouldn't have run like crazy if you hadn't made me mad by waltzing into my house and saying the babies are a distraction about thirty minutes after I'd promised my sister in law I'd watch them so she could take a nap later." I needed to catch my breath by the time I was done spitting that sentence out. "She's probably thinking I plotted something with you to get out of watching the babies. Hand me my phone. I'll call her and apologize."

"Call her tomorrow. It's late and you should go to sleep."

"It's not that late, it's only about 8 pm and it's not good to sleep right after eating. Let's watch a movie before going to bed." I kept my hand outstretched until Ming placed my phone in my palm.

My sister in law wasn't mad at what happened. Mum helped her after I left so there was no problem but I still apologized for the way I left without prior notice. I gave a relieved sigh after I hung up. After placing the phone on the bedside table, I turned to my boyfriend.

"Hey Ming, bring the laptop over let's watch a movie." He turned to me, studying my face. "What are you looking at? Is there something on my face?" I touched my fingers to my face, wondering if there was a noodle stuck somewhere on my cheek.

"Kit...do you know why I wanted us to come back to campus early?" His question had heat creeping up my neck onto my face and tinging my ears. Of course, I know why, and I have no complaints about that. I just didn't like that my sister in law may have misunderstood.

"Yeah." I answered then cast my eyes away from him. He sighed before reaching for the laptop and getting in bed with me.

"I can't have my way with you now. What are we going to do for the rest of the weekend?" He picked a movie before handing me the laptop.

"Aren't you going to watch?"

"Nope. I don't feel like it." I couldn't help my disappointed pout. It's annoying sometimes but I like listening to his movie commentary and he's always ready to discuss a movie after he's seen it. I like our movie discussions.

"Is it still because of earlier?"

"Yep. Why did you forget your phone? And you let another man drive you. I don't like that."

"I already said I'm sorry. Let's watch the movie together, please."

"I don't want to. If you're really sorry, show me."

"Show you? How?"

"Kiss me."


"It's okay if you don't want to. I'll just lie here and wallow in my loneliness." He draped his hand over his eyes and turned his back to me.

I couldn't help but smile. He's back to his teasing self again. I put the laptop to the side and pulled him back to lying on his back. He easily let me remove his hand from covering his eyes. I gave him a peck on his cheek. I can tease too.

MingKit - One✅Where stories live. Discover now