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I woke up feeling icky yet refreshed. My stupid boyfriend didn't care that we have to go to school today, he went all out. He was in the shower, humming. I wonder why he's so happy. I'm sure I didn't say yes to his stupid impromptu proposal.

"Hey Kit..."

"Ahh, what ar..." He pulled me in to join him in the shower when I walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. What am I to do with this guy? Now my boxers are wet.

He dumped shampoo on my hair before I could smack him. He didn't stop there. He washed all of me while smiling like he'd won the lottery. He insisted on washing every part of me, even in there, and once he started he couldn't stop. He put it in before I could protest, well, I wouldn't have protested too hard because after the way he'd touched every part of my already sensitive body, I wanted it too.

We bustled about, trying to get him ready so he doesn't miss his morning gathering or whatever. Even still, he stopped to give me a knee weakening kiss before running out the door with his shirt partially unbuttoned. It's his own fault for being late, taking his time while we were in the shower.

I still had time to spare before I needed to be in school, but I left anyway. Being home alone is boring sometimes.

"Hey Kitty, are going to tell us what was going on between you and your moon? He was throwing a tantrum during lunch time yesterday when I told him I didn't know where you were." The first thing Beam said to me when he walked into the classroom with Pha in tow.

"We had a little misunderstanding but it's fine now. We fixed it."

"I can tell. Did he have to leave two hickeys on you neck? And your face is still flushed." Pha's observation had me blushing a little but I ignored him.

"You call it a little misunderstanding? You looked like a zombie yesterday. I want to know exactly what happened, and you owe me a week's worth of lunch for interrupting Forth and I, and for your moon acting crazy with me."

In the end I had to tell them what happened. I tried to make Kas as blameless as possible, so my friends wouldn't give him a hard time during our second class. I don't think it worked because no matter how I spin it, it remained a fact that the girl tried to cause a problem between Ming and I because of Kas.

"Ai'Kit, I'm sorry about yesterday. I don't know exactly how you met Ema but I hope she didn't do anything too crazy. I'm really very sorry." Kas pulled me away from my friends after our second class ended.

"It's alright. I don't know how crazy she can get but she set my boyfriend and I up. She probably wanted to break us up, but we're fine."

"It's good you two are fine. What did she do?"

"I don't really want to talk about it."

"That's okay then. We're still friends, right?"

"Umm...I'm sorry but I can't be friends with you. My boyfriend would dislike it and I love him more than I want to be friends with you so..."

"That's understandable, I guess..." He seemed unhappy, but I didn't care. I didn't like Ming and I being pulled into his problems.

Ming was waiting when I stepped out of the medical faculty.

"Aren't you busy? How come you're here?" I walked up to him with a smile.

"I escaped. I missed you." I let him pull me into his arms but had to stop him when he tried to kiss me. Isn't it enough that he's hugging me in front of all these people? This is probably being uploaded onto the cute boy fan page right now.

"What do you mean you escaped? You're supposed to be a role model, what are you teaching your juniors by escaping?" Despite my scolding, I was happy he came to see me.

"Role models need a break too. How much time do you have before you need to be back here?"

"About an hour."

"That should be enough. I already bought dinner. We're going to my place." That look on his face...

"No no no..." He held me tighter when I tried to pull away. "Do you want to kill me? I can't do it unless you're going to be at the receiving end."

"What, you want to do me?" He'd lowered his voice enough that we wouldn't be overheard. I looked away with a blush.

"Can't I?"

"You can ask but I don't know that you can do it."

"Why can't I do it?"

"Umm...let's talk about it later. We're running out of time." Then I was dragged away and not given the chance to explore this topic further.

MingKit - One✅Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя