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Kit told me over and over again not to come see him while we were on vacation but here I am, standing outside his family's house, waiting for someone to answer the door. I miss him and that is that.

When the door finally opened, Kit was standing there, in an apron, holding a baby. The baby cooed adorably. Another baby wailed from inside the house and before I could say anything Kit dragged me into the living room before gently placing the cooing baby in my arms. He picked up the crying one, trying to calm the baby down by rocking the baby back and forth while making soothing sounds.

"Kit, maybe the baby is hungry. Where is your sister in law?" I asked Kit when the baby's cries became unbearable.

"She went out."

"Where is your mum? Or grandma?" I looked around, desperately hoping there was a female in the house who could help.

"Grandma is sleeping in her room. Everyone else went for a wedding."

"You're watching the babies by yourself? Do you know what you're doing?" He gave me a desperate look.

"I thought I did...I mean I've been helping out since I came back, but now I'm not so sure."

"How did you convince them to let you do this?"

"Grandma is supposed to help me, but I don't want to bother her while she's asleep, a-and I may have told them that I was considering specializing in pediatrics."

"So you thought baby sitting will be good practice? Kit, what the hell were you thinking?"

The cries of the baby in Kit's arms had the baby in my arms crying too. I didn't know what to do. I'd never had to deal with a baby before. I rocked the baby back and forth like I'd seen Kit do earlier.

"Shh, shh, shh." I rocked the baby, trying to get him or her to stop. I couldn't tell which one was the girl and which one was the boy. "Kit, lets feed them. Is there milk or something?" I hoped that would calm them down. After all, babies only eat and sleep, and I doubt they'll cry if they were sleepy.

"Yes, there's milk in the fridge." He led me to the kitchen. I held both babies, one on each arm, while Kit got the milk out of the fridge before pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"What kind of milk is it?" I thought babies were supposed to only drink breast milk. I wanted to make sure Kit got the right stuff.

"Breast milk."

"They sell breast milk in stores now?" Those are supposed to come straight from the breasts, right? Not a bottle.

"No, dummy. This is directly from the source."

"From the source? How is that possible?"

"She pumped it."

"Out of her breasts? How?" I can't even begin to imagine how that is achieved.

"There's a pump for that. Hold this." He tried to hand me a bottle.

"Kit, my hands are full."

"Ah! Yes, sorry."  While he was being careful with what he was doing, I could still tell he was nervous. He may have helped out while he's sister in law was home, but doing it by himself for the first time...he didn't seem too confident.

"What's written on the paper?" Maybe talking to him about something will help ease his nerves.

"Instructions. It says to heat up water then place the milk in the warm water."

I rocked from side to side with the crying babies while watching Kit work. The crying had gradually subsided, but not completely stopped.

"I hope your grandma didn't wake up from the ruckus."

"Me too."

"Have you seen your sister in law pump the milk?" I had to know.

"Eh? No. That's not something I want to see."

"Good. I don't want you seeing breasts."

"Shut up, I'm trying to focus."

I watched him warm the milk and after glancing at the piece of paper he sprinkled some of the milk on the inside of his wrist. When he seemed happy with whatever results he'd gotten, he took a baby from me and placed a bottle in the baby's mouth. I did the same with the baby in my arms. The crying completely ceased as the babies fed.

"There, there. Seems your idiot uncle over there was right. You were hungry." I couldn't help but smile as I watched Kit talk to the baby as if he or she would understand. He looked like he'd make a great mo- I mean father. The way he cradled the baby so lovingly, the gentle, happy look on his face. Seeing this new side to my Kitkat had me falling in love with him even more.

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