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The handshake was as brief as a handshake could be. Even if I know his name, I still don't think it's a good idea to have him drive me back. Ming will be mad jealous if he finds out someone other than him or a person we both know gave me a ride.

"Ah...maybe I should just get a taxi instead." I grabbed my bag out of my locker and painfully turned to Khun Kas. My lips twitched as I tried to smile but I gave up moments later because I couldn't pretend to not be in pain.

"Come now, don't say that. I can't stuff you in a taxi. How are you going to make it to your apartment? I'll be worried sick if I let you go by yourself. Khun Kit, let me give you a ride okay?"


"You're the one person I've had the longest face to face conversation with since I moved here. Can't we be acquaintances or something? I won't bite, I promise." Khun Kas placed a hand over his heart as he made his promise. I don't want Ming to misunderstand or be mad at me. I don't like men...well...except Ming, and Ming knows that, but he'll still misunderstand.

"We can be acquaintances, but I still think it would be best if I go back in a taxi. Thank you for the offer though."

I took a deep breath, with my legs as stiff as a board, I slowly and painfully made my way past him, grunting- as silently as I could- every now and then. My new acquaintance walked beside me. From time to time my thigh would give out and he would reach his hand out to catch me.

The gym was now teeming with people from all walks of life. While most of them whacked away at their various workout routines, a few of them turned their stares at us as we made our way to the door. I could only imagine what they were thinking had me walking like that. I willed myself to make it to the door without toppling over.

By the time we made it to the door, I felt like an hour had passed. I leaned against a pillar just outside the gym, trying to catch my breath.

"Khun Kit, I don't think you'll make it to the taxi stand. Why don't you wait here, I'll bring my car around." He did just that. I hesitated for a moment before stepping around the car toward the passenger side. It felt like another hour had passed by the time I strapped the seat belt on.

"Where should I take you?" Kas gave me a glance as he put the car in drive.

"The university." 

"Are you a student?"

"Yep...ah ah" My leg. I shut my eyes, trying to shut the pain out.

"Hey what's wrong?"

"Ah...my leg is cramping up...fuck it hurts." I clutched tightly at the seat belt, twisting it, sharing my pain with it.

"Maybe I should stop at a drugstore and get you some painkillers." I think his voice was tinged in worry but I was too distracted by my pain to give it much thought.

"No no no, don't, just take me to my dorm." Ming is probably worried sick by now. I've been gone for nearly three hours and the sky is darkening with rain.

"Are you sure? I think you'll need some pain killers or something."

"Yeah, I have some in my room."

"Is that the only reason? Aren't you also worried about the person you were waiting for?"

"Eh...I really wasn't waiting for anyone." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. The cramp had eased but the pain in my legs was still barely bearable. I hope Ming hasn't sent out a search party or something. Idiot Ming.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk about that."


"So...the university. You said earlier that you've been using the gym since your first year. Which year are you in now?" Kas tried to break the uncomfortable silence which we'd been sitting in for a few minutes.

"I'll be starting my third year on Monday." Talking sort of distracted me from the pain but I was still worried about Ming being worried about me.

"What's your maj..."

"Please, turn right here...and that's my dorm." I turned my head to him and tried to give him a smile. "Thank you for the ride Khun Kas." Another hour later, or so it felt like, I was out of the vehicle. I shut the door only to look up and see Ming striding toward me with a worried, unhappy look on his face.

"Kit, where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you, and why aren't you driving your car?"

"My car is at the gym." I took a step and winced. Ming quickly reached his hands out, grabbing me.

"Hey Kit, what's wrong with you?" The worried frown on his face deepened.

"My legs hurt. Help me get to the room." Sitting down for only about ten minutes or so had made my legs even stiffer and more painful.

"Hi, are you Khun Kit's friend?" I'd forgotten about him for a second. Khun Kas walked over to where Ming and I stood.

"I'm not his friend. Who are you?" My idiot boyfriend sounded suspicious, like he had already started imagining things. He stepped even closer to me and run his hands along my arms, as if trying to claim his territory.

"If you're not his friend can you step away from him? I need to help him get to his room."

"You're not helping him go anywhere. Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm not obligated to..."

"Khun Kas, don't pay attention to this idiot. He is my friend. Thank you again for the ride. This guy here will help me get to my room." I tried to diffuse the tense atmosphere which seemed to be forming.

"Hey Kit, don't call me your friend. I'm your bo...umph." I smashed my hand on his mouth, stopping him from saying it. Sometimes I hate how open he is about our relationship. Not everyone can accept two men dating. I wish he'll just let us keep it between us and our circle of friends, and if someone somehow finds out...no problem. Instead this guy does everything possible, no matter where we are, to make it obvious we're an item. I don't want that kind of attention on me.

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