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I didn't care how I looked, I run like my life depended on it from the parking lot to my room and flung my keys onto the table upon entering. I stopped to catch my breath before slowly making my way to the bed where my Kit was lying with his back to me. When the bed dipped with my weight, Kit turned to me.

His blood shot eyes with dark lines underneath them had him looking like he hadn't slept in days.


Without a word he opened his arms to me. I leaned into him, embracing him, feeling him and then relaxing into him.

He's here. He's not hiding from me. He's not avoiding me.

We stayed in each others arms for a long time until Kit finally spoke.

"All those naked people...did you do it with someone?" The worry in his voice.

"No. I'm sure I didn't do it with anyone. I still had my clothes on. I'm sorry you had to see that. I was supposed to be at the retirement party, but some idiot gave me the wrong address...that reminds me, that girl we met at the shop the other day..." I would have rumbled on had Kit not cut in.

"She is a woman scorned. Why were the people naked and doing that, all in the same room?"

"I wasn't officially invited but I assume it was some kind of sex party. Kit..."

"Why didn't you leave when people started getting naked?"

"I...I didn't see them getting naked. I think I passed out."

"Were you that tired?"

"That and I did take a sip from a drink that was handed to me."

"Do you think the drink was laced with something?" Kit pulled back and stared at my face with concern.

"I'm not sure. How do you know that girl is a woman scorned?"

"I run into them during lunch break. They were arguing about why they are not together anymore." I pulled him back into my arms.


"Kas and um...I don't even know what her real name is. Kas called her Ema."

"Why would she direct her anger or whatever at you? You're not the reason they broke up, are you?" I held my breath and hoped for an answer that would make me happy.

"I don't think I am. He broke up with her by telling her he's gay or something. I left before they got into details."

"What an asshole. You can't scold me if I beat him up, okay?" I rolled onto my back and pulled Kit to lie on top of me. I run my hand up and down his back, enjoying his weight on me.

"I won't scold you, but I don't want you to get kicked out of school for attacking a member of staff. So please don't do it." I lifted his face off my chest and kissed every inch of it.



"I missed you." He buried his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled.


"I was scared you'll leave me."


"I love you so much."


"Do you know I spent last night in front of P'Beam's room? Just waiting for you to say something to me."

"Ming...I trust you."

I hugged him tighter. He trusts me. I believe that. If he didn't, our relationship could have easily been destroyed.

"Why did you hide from me yesterday?"

"I couldn't think straight. I was worried that I'd doubt you if I saw you."

"I would never break my promise to you." I spoke into his hair.

"I know." I held his face so I could look into his eyes.

"I love you."

"...I love you too."

His cheeks colored slightly, making me smile. I rubbed my nose against his then kissed his lips. When he sighed into the kiss, I deepened it. Our tongues danced as one.

We didn't talk much after that, but it was a comfortable silence. It was almost as if our love for each other had been confirmed again. We cuddled, we kissed, we caressed, nothing more. As we lay in each other's arms, I couldn't help but think of how much I need him in my life.

"Let's get married." I was serious, actually.

"Huh?" Kit pulled back to have a better look at my face.

"Let's get married." I repeated, without concern for the astonished look on his face. I brushed his hair back.

"Are you stupid? You know we're both still in school, right?" I couldn't help but chuckle before answering. I was happy that the trial hadn't changed Kit. He still knows how to ruin a mood.


"So you don't have a job, no source of income. How will you finance a marriage?"

"Will you say yes if I get a job?"

"Are you going to quit school to do that?"

"If it'll make you say yes, I don't mind."

"No, I won't say yes even if you did that. I don't want to marry a drop out."

"Even if I'm a super rich drop out?"

"How long do you think it'll take for you to become a "super rich drop out"?"

"I don't know but if it'll make you say yes I'll do everything I can to make it happen as soon as possible."

"You're giving me a headache. Don't be an idiot, just stay in school and forget about marriage."

"Kit, we don't have to get married now. I just want you to say yes."

"No." He slid his body away from me and turned his back to me. His ass looked very seductive and inviting. Because he's been working out a lot more lately, it's even firmer and I can't wait to test his stamina.

"The mood was perfect, it would have been even better if you'd just said yes." He turned back to me and smacked me on the shoulder after I'd said that.

"You're asking because of the mood? Not because you actually want to do it?" He smacked me again, twice.

"Ouch Kit, I really want to do it, so will you say yes?" I grabbed his hand when he tried to smack me again.

"No. The answer is still no, stupid."

Then his stomach growled making him blush. I chuckled and sat up.

"Let's go get lunch, maybe it'll help you make up your mind."

We didn't bother with our afternoon classes. We walked hand in hand to my car and drove to 'our place'. I couldn't help starring at his beautiful face as we ate. As long as we trust each other, we can overcome many things.

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