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"That's it?" Was his unhappy response to the peck I gave on his cheek.

"You said you wanted a kiss, you didn't say where." Was my cheeky response.

"Kit, don't try my patience. Put your lips on mine."

With a wide smile on my face, I kissed him without hesitating.

"Where did you go?" I asked Ming after I'd pulled away from what was supposed to have been a chaste kiss but ended up being a long drawn out session of us sucking on each others' tongues.

"To collect my car keys."

"Didn't you leave your car at my parents' house?"

"I sent someone to drive it over here." He slid his hand under my shoulder and pulled me to him. "Kit, do it for me with your mouth." He spoke into my hair and I smacked his hand away when he tried to caress my naked stomach.

"No." No way.

"Why not? I'm pent up."

"Let's be pent up together." I completely forgot about the movie as I enjoyed the feel of his arms around me and the warmth of his heat. We fell asleep cuddling.

We went to the market to get some school supplies on Saturday. Ming hauled me over to his room on Sunday to help him unpack. I helped him by sitting on his bed and watching him. He didn't have that much stuff. The only time I actually lifted a finger to help him was when he dropped a pen and I had to show him where it fell by pointing at it.

My friends and I spent our lunch time on Monday in the canteen chatting animatedly about our activities during our vacation. As I regaled them with stories of my niece and nephew, someone tapped on my shoulder.


"Are you a medical student, Khun Kit?"

"Yes. Are you a student as well?" I couldn't hide the surprise in my voice. Of all the places.

"No. Are they your friends too?" He indicated at Ai'Pha and Ai'Beam.

"Yes. Phana and Beam..." I pointed at each of them as I introduced them. "...and he is Kas. We met at the gym over the weekend and he helped me out." The one story I'd decided not to share with my friends, and this is how they find out.

"Helped you out with what?" Pha's brows were knitted as he asked the question. Beam stopped chewing on his food and they both waited curiously.

"I had a little trouble at the gym on Friday."

"What trouble?" Beam punctuated each word like I should have given that answer instead.

"I over did it with my workout and my legs gave out. Khun Kas was kind enough to give me a ride."

"What about Ming?" I wonder where Ai'Pha is going with this.

"What about him?"

"Why didn't he give you a ride? You two came back together, right?" I hope Ai'Pha doesn't mistakenly say or ask anything stupid. Kas was watching and listening to them interrogate me.

"I did not go to the gym with him and I forgot my phone in my room also."

"Did you tell Ming about it?"

"I didn't have to. He was waiting outside when we arrived."

"Oohh, what did he do?" Beam asked his question a little too excitedly.

"None of your business." I turned to Kas. "If you're not a student what are you doing here?"

"I work here."

"Ai'Kit, break is over. It was nice meeting you." Beam extended his hand for a handshake with Kas, as did Pha.

For this block we're doing Psychiatry and Pediatrics. Our first Psychiatry class was okay, a lot of material to read but not impossible to pass. Pediatrics this afternoon, yay. I was really excited about this class since it is an area I'm thinking of specializing in.

When the professor finally walked into the classroom, I was shocked to see that he walked in with Kas. My friends turned to me, silently inquiring if I knew what was going on. I could only shrug at them. He was setting up the projector for the professor so maybe he's from the I.T department? But to my utter and complete dismay, Kas was introduced as the teaching assistant for this course. I'll be seeing him nearly every day for about three months. How do I tell Ming about this? I can't hide it from him and I can't be rude to Kas because he has a say in our final assessment.


A/N: I don't like angst much and I don't think I'm particularly good at writing it, but we'll see how this goes. *fingers crossed*

MingKit - One✅Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant