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I paced around my old room nervously. Ming would be here any minute. We're going to tell my family about our engagement. I rubbed my ring. I was still not used to the metal band on my finger. I'd taken it off when I came so mum wouldn't notice. It would have ruined the surprise. I thought of leaving it off until we made the announcement, but Ming would be unhappy if he knows I've taken it off for any reason and he likes to hold my hand in his and admire his ring on my finger. Lately it's become an unconscious thing he does, playing with the ring and sighing happily.

Unable to calm down, I went downstairs. Mum had made every effort to impress, using her fanciest silverware and decorating the dining table like Ming was the Prime Minister of Thailand or something. I told her not to, but she shushed me and shooed me away.

I stepped out onto the porch. The humid air had me wanting to step back into the air-conditioned living room. I stopped pacing when the gates opened, and Ming's car drove in. He walked over to me and pecked my lips before speaking.

"Am I late?"


"Then why do you look so nervous?" He took my hand in his and rolled the ring around my finger before giving a happy sigh.

"It's the first time I'm officially bringing you home as my boyfriend."

"Fiancé." He kissed me again before letting my hand go.

"Yes, fiancé." I gave a small smile and touched my ring before putting my hand in my pocket and leading him into the house.

My family loves Ming. I don't know what spell he cast but whatever it is I want it. I want it, so I can use it on his family when I meet them for the first time next week. By the end of the night it felt like Ming was the son and I the stranger. He had them eating out of the palm of his hand, like always. Even P'Kieng seemed okay with everything. He was smiling and talking business talk with Ming. Aat and Anong were also all over him, treating him like he was their blood uncle and not me.

I was happy that the dinner went smoothly, and I couldn't help but admire Ming's ability to be so calm and composed with all that was happening. But then again, this is Ming we're talking about and he's already met my family several times. He's been charming them for six years. Now I was even more worried about meeting his family. I don't have six years to charm them, I have only one night. I need that spell.

Mum hugged me as we walked onto the porch to see Ming off.

"He'll take good care of you. I know." She said quietly to me.

"Yes but why are you hugging me like that?" I asked mum when she pulled away after kissing my cheek.

"Aw, aren't you leaving with him?" She said it loudly enough for everyone to hear. My blush was hidden by the dimly lit porch.

"He is. We still haven't decided on a date for the wedding. We'll be discussing that tonight." Ming spoke before I could tell mum I wasn't going back with him. I couldn't help but wonder if mum and Ming have conspired together. Mum pushes me out the door and Ming pulls me away, that kind of conspiracy.

As the day to meeting Ming's parents got closer, I learned that there was a higher level to nervousness, higher than any I've felt before. I was looking through my closet today, trying to decide what would be the best outfit for this meeting. I couldn't decide whether to dress formally or casually.

"Ah great, you're here. What should I wear?" I asked Ming when he walked into my tiny room.

"Let's elope."

"Huh?" I looked up at him again, noticing his disheveled look. His hair was unkempt, like he'd run his hands through it several times, his shirt was halfway unbuttoned, and his sleeves were rolled up roughly. And come to think of it, he shouldn't be here. It's past midnight and we'd agreed to meet later that afternoon. I smelled the alcohol on his breath when he crossed the room in two steps and pulled me into his arms. "Are you drunk?"

"No. Let's elope."

"You're drunk. Why else would you be saying such nonsense?" Maybe it's marriage jitters? But it's a little early for that because we decided to go see his parents before making a final decision on which date to get married.

"I'm not drunk. Let's go." He tugged on my arm trying to pull me towards the door.

"Ming stop. What's wrong with you? We're meeting your family tomorrow." He turned to me with his head down.

"About that...we can't meet my family tomorrow."

"Why? Did something happen?" I held his face in my palms, lifting so I could take a better look at it. Bitter sadness was all I could see. It had me feeling even more nervous than I was. "What happened?"

"My father." His father. I don't know what that means but I remember he'd been worried about his father's reaction after he'd told him about me. I was afraid to ask but I wanted to know.

"W-what about your father? Did he say something?"

"He wants me to marry a woman."

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