|122| Fall

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There are different types of fall.

Like a fall in a form of quantityㅡa reduction.
Or like the seasonㅡthe sweater weather.
Or maybe like the fall of an empire.
Or the sound of a kid dropping to the ground.

Then there's that type of fall.

The kind where you least expect it.
It hits you and knocks you out.

And it comes in a pair of eyes that captivates you.
A string of words that manipulates you.
A train of thoughts that intrigues you.
A common name that you've given a meaning to.

There's that type of fall where there's nothing to hold on to and you let yourself fly down an endless hole, wishing you would be caught and saved.

If only there was someone down there in the first place.

Midnight Thoughts ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt