|27| Self Love

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Self Love


He broke you, didn't he?

He didn't just break me. He killed me. And I'm thankful for that.

What do you mean?

If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have known what love really is. I was a young girl back thenㅡtoo young to realize the worth of my own self and too young to understand the meaning of self love.

Self love?

Self love. She was just a young girl who was passionately, desperately, hopelessly in love with him. She fell for him and hard. I don't think she's loved anyone that much. But then life decided to play a joke on her so that she could learn. Hell, she learned. She learned to get back up and she learned to love herself. She learned to get over him and she learned to move on. I'm thankful that he killed her. The old her is gone. Now she becomes me.

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