|105| Ecstasy

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Overlooking beyond the horizon
It was twilight
The light was barely present
Yet enough to reflect upon the side of my face
As my eyes glazed over the beauty of nature

“Beautiful,” he said
“What is?” I asked
His arms wrapped around my shoulders
Caging me in against his torso
I rested my head against his chest

His breath near my ear distracted me
As he whispered, “You, and you, and only you,”
I felt a rush of blood coming to my cheeks
He’s so intoxicatingly amazing, I thought
I held his arms tighter around me

Serenity came over me
The feeling of being safe and secured
As long as he was there
As he always had been
I couldn’t feel grateful enough

Then he closed the curtain, slowly turning me around
His palm cupped my face and I automatically leaned in
His gorgeous eyes captured mine
His thumb brushed my cheek
He smiled that beautiful smile

“In a universe of universes, age by age passing by
Countless human beings in countless places
Yet here we are in front of each other
Loving until it hurts
Aren't we the luckiest people?"

My throat went dry, my mouth open
No words could be spoken
How should I reply to that?
I couldn't anyway
For my lips had been sealed

His hand on the small of my back
Pushing me against him
His lips on mine, our tongues dancing
A rhythm never heard, but only felt
He brought me to ecstasy

And at dawn the night before repeated
I lied down underneath his skin
Piece by piece I went unclad
I entered another dimension
Where I was at my highest

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