|103| Please Don't Change

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Please Don't Change


Listen, if there's any way you could be attractive, I would point out your knowledge and intelligence because hey, intelligent people are so attractive for those who know how to appreciate it. Why do you think I keep talking with you? You provide me with knowledge. I like having intellectual conversations because they make you think. And knowledge isn't just common facts. It's about everything you could talk about in the world.

And no, don't even start comparing yourself with someone else. Don't say anything about someone else being better than you or vice versa. Don't insult yourself like that. You deserve better than those voices in your head telling you that you're not good enough. And if you think that you're hard to like, my God, look around and open your eyes, hon. People like you. Even I like you. A lot.

You're so kind and willing to go out of your way to be good to everyone else. You're so dedicated to what you're doing and you never let anything bring you down. You never really let others see another side of you but I want to be able to see that. The poem I wrote for you, this part?

I can't promise you my eyes,
But I can promise you my ears;
Let me be the one to listen,
To your dreams and fears.

I meant it from the bottom of my heart. I told you it's an exaggeration. Really, it's not. Because being able to witness someone's vulnerability and to be the very person someone shares everything with, that's a privilege. And I want to have that privilege.

People tend to think that flaws are what makes them less attractive than they should be. But I think that flaws show that we're humans and that we're not perfect. And that's what makes it perfect, you know. You're not perfect and you have flaws. I do too. We all do. But that doesn't mean we should let our insecurities drag us down.

If you ever like somebody and that person makes you start questioning yourself and makes you want to change yourself just to appear good enough for her, leave her immediately. Forget her. She's not worth it.

It's not about finding your worth in someone, you know. It's about realizing your own worth and finding someone who's worthy of you. I don't wanna hear you say that ever again. You're better than that. Don't let those voices in your head control you.

I have so many friends but I keep my circle close. I don't hang around a lot of people but I like having you around so that's saying something. You're attractive, alright. You can be funny and you're very helpful and if you're not who you usually are, I wouldn't even be sitting with you. Please don't change. We're all humans. Just be who you are.

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