|48| Best First Man

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Best First Man


One second you were on my mind. The next I hated your guts. I wouldn't know what to think or how to act, nor would I understand your words and your actions.

Perhaps it was all a trick of mind, or just a deceiving illusion. Sometimes I thought you were this, but then I was taken by surprise. We were once like this, or were we really?

What happened before that we ended up this way? How cool was it? Life was like a play for us, wasn't it? It gave me mixed signals about the image of you that was portrayed in my mind. At some point I thought you were the best man I had ever met.

I was wrong. You weren't the best man. You were the first man. You were my first in the most important aspects of my life. You were the first one to introduce me to the world called love. You were also the first one to make me know and feel heartbreak. You were the first one to show me that loving someone else doesn't mean losing yourself.

You weren't my best man. Yet you were my best first man.

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