|63| I Miss You

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I Miss You


I miss you. I really do.

Okay. Go ahead and cringe all you want but this is what happens when feelings are translated into words.

When you read this, it's probably because you have nothing better to do. I know you. You always have something better to do. Reading this pathetic excuse of a book is not worth your time but to hell with it. You wanna kill time and all you've got is this.

I miss you. I miss talking to you. The longest we had not been talking to each other was two weeks.

Now it feels more than just two weeks despite the fact that you just replied to my texts two days ago. It feels long to me because we always text each other almost every day but now when we do, you sound distant.

You're not the one I used to be talking with. You're not him. And I miss him.

I miss that guy who I can always share my problems with. That guy who always knows what to say in every situation.

But you're not him. The last advice you gave me hit me with a negative vibe. It's like it wasn't really coming from you. It's like it was a different person talking on your behalf.

Where is he?

I really miss you, Ray, but I'm just no one to begin with. You wouldn't have cared anyway.

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