|57| Remember Me

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Remember Me


I want to be remembered by you.

I want you to remember how I stood by the door and saw you for the first time when I was thirteen. Remember the time I looked for ways to try and talk to you. Remember the way we exchanged smiles when we passed by each other.

I want you to remember that January 18, 2013. Remember how I confessed my feelings to your face. Remember how you walked away like nothing just happened. Remember those months you tried to ignore my existence. Remember the pain you caused me. Remember the tears I had been shedding. Remember that poker look on your face as if you did nothing wrong.

I want you to remember those awkward moments where we talked to each other. Remember the pain you caused me when you remember that girl you used to like. Remember the last few months of 2014 as the months I pushed you out of my mind and my heart.

I want you to remember how I looked at you the way you would look at her. Remember the rumor of your supposed relationship and remember that poker look on my face as I shrugged it off. Remember the long year that felt like a clean break.

I want you to remember how we got closer. Remember how you always gave me advice I always needed. Remember how you cheered me up by making endless jokes just so I could laugh again. Remember the way you would turn to me when you needed to express your feelings that you couldn't express to your friends. Remember the way you would ask for my opinions and how I always figured out that you already made a decision. Remember how you said to me, "You know me too well." Remember those times I cried and you were my shoulder to cry on. Remember those times we flirted endlessly with each other and remember how I made you uncomfortable talking about how you used to hurt me. Remember the fact that you know you hurt me. Remember the fact that the girl who wrote you this loved you.

I want you to remember me.

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