"Stop wincing, Alexei." Ms. Tiya patted her son on the shoulder. "You've had worst injuries then that. Remember when you broke your arm and sprained your ankle in the same day?" 

Alexei cringed, "Who let's a seven year old go biking down a steep hill?"

"You had a helmet." Ms. Tiya causally said.

Alexei stared at his mom in disbelefit, "I didn't know how to ride a bike!"

Ms. Tiya giggled, while carrying a stack of books. "You learned that bikes have breaks that day." She left her shocked son to carry her books out of the room. "Hello, Lynn. Are you here to help?"

Taking not to sound saracam, I smiled. "No, Ms. Tiya. I was wondering if I could borrow Alexei for a bit."

She frowned, "He's busy at the moment. Can it wait?" While she usually let Cam and Alexei do as they pleased, there were time she needed them and they were expected to make no plans during those rare times. 

"Cam's in the imfarmy, refusing to rest. I was hoping Alexei could help talk some sense into him." Tiya knew Cam's work ethic and how he rarely rests once he begins a project. 

The look of concern on her face hinted that she was considering my request. "One hour." She set the alarm on her wrist watch. "You have one hour free, Alexei." The words weren't out of her mouth yet, before Alexei dashed out the door mumbling a 'thanks mom.'


Alexei's POV:

"Thanks for freeing me." Lynn found me in the courtyard doing stretches. Mom's office is huge, but feels tiny and cramp with how messy it was. "So which sector are we going to?" Lynn coming to get me, must've meant there's a Xana attack. Otherwise he wouldn't have risked a lecture from my mom just to see me. Mom's big on responsibilities. Which meant me skipping helping her or my friends trying to drag me away was a no-go.

Lynn began walking in the direction of the dorms. "We don't know what the attack is yet, but we have a bigger problem. Mr. C won't let Cam leave the imfarmy." 

Lynn continued into the dorms, going up to the second floor where the girls dorms were. The only time we came here, was to see Kya. Since Kya was at practice, we had no reason to be here. Lynn finally stopped outside of a room, with a purple and pink decorated door. "Why are we here? Shouldn't we be figuring out how to free Cam?"

Lynn's face got sheepish as he knocked on the door. "About that...Just remember, your helping a friend." Confused by his vauge explaintion, I failed to notice the door open.

"Why are you here?" Wearing pink and white striped pajams, Ally greeted us. Blonde hair stood up in disarray, as if she'd just woken up. This would explain her current sour mood. "You've got the wrong room if your looking for Kya." Arms crossed, Ally clearly didn't want us here.

"We're in the right place, we're here to see you." Lynn flashed a bright smile. Ally's face got slightly flushered, either from Lynn's words or his smile. Lynn is the second most popular guy in his grade, behind Avery. He knows this, but perfers to remind in the background. It's another reason he hates sports. Coach usually puts Lynn on the starting line-up, followed by me, and ending with Avery. As Coach puts it, its best not to reveal all of your winning aces at once. 

"Mr. C won't let Cam leave the imfarmy. Can you help us? We need Cam's help with something." Lynn explained the situtation to Ally. I'm still not sure why we're seeking her help. She friends with Avery, the mega jerk with a huge ego. That reminds me, I'll have t ask Mara why she's friends with that jerk.

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