"I got some weed." Hoseok suggested.

Everyone turned to look at him in silence with their eyebrows raised.

"What?!" Hoseok exclaimed as he grabbed a chicken drumstick, "if he's gonna sulk and mope around, might as well get high."

"Actually Hobi is right." Jungkook joined in, "or we can kidnap an XV for Yoongi to torture."

"The fuck? Can you put psycho Kookie away for now?" Jimin shivered as he watched his dongsaeng weirdly.

Jungkook merely shrugged as he slurped some noodles into his mouth.

"Oh how about!" Jimin chirped loudly around the dining table, "we get him a girl to fuck? That will get his mind off Soo-ji."

"Okay. Can we keep things PG here?! No weed, no torture, no fucks!" Jin said loudly as he scanned his youngsters with angry eyes.

"What do you suggest then?" Hoseok asked.

Later on, an irritable Yoongi was dragged out of his room by Jungkook and plomped on the living room couch in front of the TV.

Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok sat at his sides while Jungkook, Jin and Taehyung were sprawled across the floor.

"I thought you said keep it PG." Hoseok said through a bored voice as the credits of 'The Ring' started rolling on the TV screen.


"Hyung, I'm scared." Jimin whined as he hid underneath a fluffy blanket. "Can't we watch something else?"

"Yeah, let's watch something else." Hoseok agreed. "What you wanna watch, Jiminie?"

"What about 'How To Be Single'?"

Taehyung kicked him in the shin with a scowl on his face. The others gave him a 'are you kidding me' look as they waited for Yoongi to blow up like a ticking time bomb.

Jimin immediately caught on and laughed awkwardly as he tried to amend his mistake. "Ha ha ha... I-I mean 'How To... Train Your Dragon!' Yes that's PG enough!"

Taehyung dropped his face into his hands in defeat.

Yoongi, on the other hand, simply stared at Jimin with a bitch face.

"You like dragons, right, hyung?..." Jimin asked softly through a sheepish grin, still attempting to save the situation.

"Bye." Yoongi stood up and grabbed his jacket hanging on the back of a chair. Without even a backwards glance at the others, he opened the front door and left.

"... HOW TO BE FUCKING SINGLE?!" Namjoon burst out, waving his arms dramatically as he gaped at Jimin.

A loud slap echoed around them as Jin hit Jimin at the back of his head with a folded newspaper.

"Once a Jiminie pabo, will always remain a Jiminie pabo..." Jin muttered as he crossed his arms against his chest in a huff.

Outside in the cold night air, Yoongi was whirling his motorbike down the streets at full speed to the one place where he always found comfort.

The hill top.

The place where he always liked to go to when he wanted to be alone. The place where he only took one other person.

As he sat on the grass, feeling ever so lonely, he felt his chest caving in as his mind clouded with thoughts of Soo-ji again

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As he sat on the grass, feeling ever so lonely, he felt his chest caving in as his mind clouded with thoughts of Soo-ji again.

How the best thing to ever happen to him was ripped away from him in a flash.

He needed to see her again. He needed answers. He couldn't let her go so easily like that.

Unless I hear it with my own ears, see it with my own eyes, I'm not gonna believe anything you say.

I'm not giving you up.

WITHOUT You [YOONGI] (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now