Chapter 35: THE END

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4 Years Later.

(Hayley's Pov)

I learned to cope with life without Cody. It was hard and a long journey but it started with me quitting my job at the hospital. I couldn't hide behind doors any longer. I got my psychology degree and Zach did to. Zach Smith a charming boy from Montana who moved to California for me.

A year after we meet in the parking lot to discuss our feelings we where in engaged. I was happy. A few months after the wedding I got pregnant and later Harry was born. My marriage to Zach didn't last long though. Three years of marriage and a drunk driver took him and our other child who I was pregnant with.

Life as a single parent to a toddler was chaotic but women have done this and got through to so why couldn't I? Elijah helped, he had three kids of his own already and he loved having Harry over.

Cody? He got out. I don't know how but his ass of a lawyer got him him out. I heard rumors he moved out of state then I heard some that we was living in a trailer park. Funny how after so many years people still talked about him. I learned to forgive and forget him. The first piece of advice Zach told me. I said goodbye to him in Emerson, through a glass window looking over the rec room. He didn't know I was there but it felt good to let him go after everything that happened. I hoped he had moved on quickly and had a job to support himself and whatever family he had.

We got off great, a two story house, cars, and friendly neighbors who understood this was my chance to start over and give Harry the best life I could as a single mother. I had been on dates but no of them had stuck me as someone who'd be a good potential father for Harry. I wanted the best for him.

I looked out over the playground and saw him playing with a young girl around his age. He was only four and was playing with rocks while the girl picked flowers both mumbling to each other. He was well liked in school. He had pretty strait brown hair fair skin, and green eyes like Zach. He goes to school while I work in a psychology office, I took over after Zach had passed.

"Harry!" I called and he looked over at me "it's time to go home and see Dot." Dot was our Dalmatian, Harry loved him but he was so big that I had to keep and eye on the two constantly. He pulled himself up as I gathered my stuff into my purse. I gave him my hand and we walked down the pavement to the parking lot. He was tall for his age so his hand fit almost perfectly in mine. We talked about how much fun he had and he talked about the girl. What a ladies man just like his father. 

When we got to the car I fumbled for my keys and finally unlocked the car. I told Harry to stay where he was while I got the car seat ready.

"Mommy!" Harry yelled and I shot up and hit my head on the car and cursed. I looked up to see home with the girl he was talking to. She gave me small wave and I looked around. I shut the door and said hello asking for her name. She said her name was Hannah and I grabbed her hand and Harrys. I looked around the parking lot before asking where her parents where. He pointed down the road at a blonde haired man who was frantically looking around cars.

"Hey!" I yelled over at him and he looked up. I began walking in his direction locking my car again. But I stoped when he got closer. I looked down at Hannah and then to him my mouth agape.

"Hayley?" "Cody?" We said in unison. Hannah broke from my grasp and ran to him and I pulled Harry closer to me.
We didn't say anything so I turned around picking Harry up and booking it to my car.

"Hayley wait." He said. I opened the door and rushed to put Harrys car seat belt on him. I got into my car and started it. I was just closing my door when he knocked on my window. I locked my doors and tried to open it. I just stared at him. His hair looked like it had been bleached but he was also tan so maybe he went swimming a lot this summer. His eyes where the same shade of blue green, but his daughter had blue eyes. Her hair was as blonde as his if not more lighter.

I grabbed the steering wheel and sighed this isn't happening. My heart was racing a mile a minute.

"Hayley please, I just want to talk." I debated but cracked my window and he gave me a 'are you serious look'.

"What do you want?"

"To talk? I haven't seen you in years."

"And? You look like you've got a family there's no need to talk. Go home and see your wife Cody." I saw rolling my window up.

"It's just me and Hannah." He said and I looked over at him. "Look I can't even have a parent teacher meeting without the fucking teacher shiting her pants, can you at least roll the window down so we can talk properly?" I rolled my eyes and rolled it halfway down.

"Where's her mom?"

"Prison. Got a hooker pregnant, didn't know till about a year ago when they showed up with Hannah at my house. She's only three who's the little boy? Yours? He looks like you. He's got your nose." He looked over at me and then at my son. "Your eyes too."

"He's mine. He's four." I say and all color drained from his face.

"I-is he mine?" He asked and I shook my head.

"He's fathers name is Zach I met him when we where in Montana."

"Oh your married??"

"Widowed." I say looking away from him.

"Oh God I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." I say. "Look I really need to get home but it was nice seeing you. I thought about you the other day and what you where doing with your life." He smiled and pulled out his wallet and a card. "I'm glad your doing well." I say as he hands me the card.

"Weed farmer? Seriously?" He shrugs

"I'm only the boss of the whole thing no big deal." I rolled my eyes. "Call me sometime. We need to play catch up." He said and I nodded. "Bye Hayley" he said before walking away.

I smiled and placed the card in a cup holder and rolled the window up. Pulling out of the parking spot. I waved when I passed Cody and looked back at Harry.

"Mommy what's a hooker?" He asked and I slammed on my brakes.

Damn you Cody Robert Simpson.





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