Chapter 3: He's Back

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(Hayley's Pov)

He's back. Cody was back. I barley slept last night after going over these changes. A year later and everything's changed about him- or has it? Your eyes were still the perfect shade of blue, and it seems like your love for me is still there, and I love you too.. it's just...I've made changes. I'm happy that he's out, but I'm also scared. Scared for his safety, and wellbeing as I am of mine. He knew I would take him in. That's why he came here! Being all casual about things, and thinking that escaping Emerson would solve his problems. We have a huge problem. He was safer in Emerson than he is out here. This perpetrator framing him has  lead way, he could go kill more women and blame this on the boy I love. I promised Elijah I'd finish my studies before visiting him again, but he's checked into my home and I don't think he's going anywhere.

I woke up early, it was almost 5am before I left. I didn't get much sleep since I was making a makeshift bed out of the couch for Cody. When I tried to sleep, I couldn't because I was worried they'd find him, Elijah had a spare key to my apartment, he could come in any time while I was at college. These things I promised Cody where slowly turning out to be a bad idea. If caught, he'd more than likely be put back in Emerson until he finished his term. I would probably be put in jail I figured if questions arise I'd have to lie, I'm burning his uniform which is trying to hide him, and I am housing the criminal himself.

Cody was asleep on the couch, shirtless, and his mouth was parted a bit. His arm always flung back over his head as his other was resting on his stomach. I decided to let him sleep, sleep was good for him. I left a note on the table beside him and grabbed a few newspapers and pushed them into the tote that held his uniform. I grabbed a sticky note and wrote that I was in college and that I'd see him later.

I struggled through the mud, my umbrella in my hand and the bag over my shoulder. I was walking through a forest. Freaking Cody Simpson, although I loved him he was a pain in the ass, he's always getting into some type of trouble wether it's with himself, the patients, or law. Here I was doing his dirty work, I guess I signed up for that when I was housing Beverly Hills most wanted criminal. My mud boots were sliding, my hair was getting frizzy, why in there hell is it raining? It never rains.

I found a spot just as the rain started to come down in sprinkles, I had walked into a tall grassy field and I threw the bag onto the ground and look at the time on my phone.6am. I dug into my pocket and pulled out my lighter and lit Cody's uniform on fire first. I stepped back and watched as the fire had a hard time staying lit.

Time was ticking as was the darkness. I threw my lighter down and grabbed a box of matches and lit one before throwing it down on the bag watching as the flames seeped through the damp bag.

"Hey!" I jumped and looked over to see a middle aged man with a bucket in his hands. I froze. "What the hell are you doing!?" He yelled before I turned and sprinted out of the field and into the forest. Cody had an influence on me, it was really weird. I had forgotten about him but he suddenly shows up in my house, I kiss him and it's suddenly like we've been together this whole time.

(Cody's Pov)

I've walked around Hayley's apartment about five times now out of boredom, she had a lot of pictures of her family, friends, and of her and a guy. Boyfriend? The news was the same. Police didn't know where I was, president-elect Donald Trump was picking fights with democrats. Same old thing everyday. I sat on Hayley's small balcony for a long while, just looking out at the city.

Deep down I had a fear, I feared the cops would find me, or even realize that Hayley has been hiding me out at her apartment and she will also be in trouble.

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